"Honestly I don't even know...it looks clean but I know it's not...we have to be really careful" George said to Clay as his anxiety raised

"George look at me" Clay said taking his hand and cupping Georges face and bringing his closer

"Ye-" George attempted to say before being cut off my Clay

Clay softly pressed his lips against Georges, a soft but flowy movement. All thoughts were washed away during the short and simple kiss, but soon George broke the kiss as his eyes started to water

"Hey hey...it's okay...we got this alright?" Clay said wiping Georges tears away

George toughened up as he nodded and began to climb out, he could see the security cameras as he quietly alerted Clay

"Look..." George said in slight fear

"George I know security cameras, follow my lead" Clay said confidently

George was curious on what he meant but that was a discussion for a later time

Clay moved in a effortless movement as he managed to dodge every sight the cameras could've picked up of them

"George stop now" Clay said in a demanding tone

George stopped at the exact second those words let out of Clays mouth. Clay had seen something George hadn't

The two had officially made it through the small field and into a opened ally way. Which was also the only way to procced

"Okay well I've seen this stuff in movies so uhm lets hope it works the same" Clay said knowing it was there only hope

"Okay it's official were fucked" George said throwing his arms in the air

Clay turned around to him and gripped him by the neck

"George were not giving up do you understand me??" Clay said in a demanding tone on the outside but a caring tone on the inside

Clay let go off Georges neck as he saw George trembling under his grip. It made Clay chuckle a bit knowing how much control he had over George

"Follow my exact steps...two steps forward then stop" Clay said hoping he had read the slight signals right

George gulped nervously not knowing what would happen if they messed up 

George listened to Clay as they made two steps forward then stopped

"FUCK" George said as a large spike had came out in front of them

If they would've taken another step they would've been pierced through with a spike and died at the very second of it's entrance 

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