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"Back to work boys!!" The guard yelled seeing the boys in bed cuddling. "Wake up now!" The guard continued yelling as they slept through it. George and Clay finally woke up. George smiled as he woke up to Clay spooning him. "Good morning" Clay said as he saw Georges head move. "Hey" George said looking back at Clay.

Clay was feeling good this morning as he closed the space between George and his face as there lips connected. It was a soft kiss, short but very passionate. George started to blush as Clay pulled away. Clay gave off a little chuckle at the sight. "Clay..." George said as his smile dimed.

"What is it George?"

"Where in prison"


"It didn't feel like it while we were together in bed but it's all coming back now"

"I know...well lets get ready"

George and Clay got up as they started to brush there teeth and hair. "Ready?" The guard said coming back to there cell to grab them. "Mhm" George and Clay both groaned. "Alright today we will be doing two person jobs, I will be putting you and George together since I know you two wont kill each other. You will be digging a 8 foot hole in the ground. You can't leave until you finish." 

Clay looked at George happy to know they were going to be together, but worried about the work. George and Clay looked around as they were lead outside. There were about 15 different hole sites to be dug. They had got placed at a site closest to the fence. None of them thought anything of it though. 

"Alright here's your shovels get to work." The guard said throwing them there shovels and leaving.

"Um...well wanna start?" George said looking at the ground "I mean yeah but were do we start?" Clay said looking at George. "Just start digging silly" George said as he laughed. Clay stuck his shovel into the ground as he attempted to dig. "Oh my fucking god. This dirt isn't letting up at all" Clay said as the shovel wouldn't even enter the ground. They were gonna be here for longer then they expected.

"Well just keep going at it, it'll let up at some point." George said as he picked at the ground. After trying to dig in the same spot ten times the dirt started to loosen up. "Hey I got it!" Clay said with a smile on his face. George smiled back as he started to work around it making the dirt loosen up in more areas. 

"Alright imma go in" George said as he hopped in the hole that was now deep enough to have someone in. George landed in the hole which was about 3 foot deep. "Were going to be here till dark" Clay said looking at the sky seeing the sun at the top of the sky. "Okay then lets hurry up" Clay agreed and jumped in the hole as well. "You know this isn't as bad as the rocks" George said looking at Clay. "You mean the job that would've gotten you killed if it wasn't for me?" Clay said looking at George with a grin. "Thank you Clay" George said smiling. "For what?" Clay said literally clueless. 

"Everything Clay. For our childhood, when we were the best of friends. Whatever happened is just shit but hey were back together. You gave me the best memories when we were younger. The moments we would go to the beach when you came over and we'd just run around through the sand and the water, building the sand castles, chasing the seagulls, chasing each other. God those were good times. Ooo and the times at the playground. Were we'd have swinging contest to see who could go higher, or the times we'd race and see who could get up the playset and down the slide first, and when we'd go and tackle each other in the grass. God I could continue forever." George said as the memories flashed through his head as he smiled. "Continue George...I wanna remember everything." Clay said as his eyes started to tear up.

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