Not this again...

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TW: Mention of suicide 

Keep in mind! The birthplaces, age, and height of all characters are not based off there true selves!! Forgot to mention it the first time...oopsie (:

Georges eyes start to awaken from the sound of the birds chirping. George let's off a slight moan as he stretches his legs "Mmmm". Clay was laying down to Georges left. "Get up you fucker" George says as he settles back to his normal self.


"I said get up and out of my bed"

"Dude it's so early"

"Get up."

"I literally am. Are you blind or something??"

"No but I'm colorblind" George says as he chuckles. 

"So funny George. So funny" Clay rolls his eyes at Georges stupidity.

"Wait Clay...last night you said you had to stay somewhere anyways...what did you mean? Like why couldn't you just go home...?" George says as Clay lowers his head. "Right...well the cops told me I couldn't go home..." Clay says as he starts to circle his fingers around each other in a attempt to dim out his surroundings. "What?? The cops? What do you mean??" Clay looks up listening to the confusion in Georges voice grow.

"It's a lot...I don't think you would want to listen debating on the fact we could really care less about each other." Clay says...he wasn't lying though. "Okay yeah true, but I'm nosy and wanna know why you talked to the cops." 

" mom."


"She shot herself."

"Wait what!?!? Are you being serious??"

"Yes George! Why the fuck would I just lie about that??"

"Fuck Clay...I'm so so sorry...Wait. Clay...? Where are you going to live...?"

"What do you me- oh..."


George stands up as he walks over to Clay "Do you have any family around here?" Clay brings his glance from his hands to Georges eyes. " I don't..." Clay immediately brings his eyes back down to his hands. "Well then I guess your just gonna have to go into a foster home." George says as he sighs and walks to the kitchen. Clay ignores what George just said as he follows him into the kitchen. 

"Whatcha making Geo-"

"Nothing for you"

"Oh...okay well do you have cereal...?"

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