Part 2. (Cheating & Cutting)

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-Next Day-

Today is Saturday so I, Demetri, Sam, and Miguel decided to go to the fair together. Eli texted me and said he couldn't make it. I didn't even get to tell him where we were going either. I picked up Demetri and Sam got Miguel. We arrived at the fair and met up with Miguel and Sam. We are now walking through looking for rides.

Sam: Why exactly didn't Eli come? - She asked while holding Miguel's hand.

Y/n: Don't know? he just said he couldn't make it? - I shrugged. I noticed Miguel and Sam look at each other. They finally found a ride and I decided to go get a drink. I paid for my drink and was walking back to Sam and Miguel when I seen what looked like Eli making out with a girl. I suddenly got nervous. I walked closer to them and noticed that it was in fact Eli, but he was kissing Moon. I didn't notice but I was speed walking towards them, my fist balled up. I got to them and tapped Eli on the shoulder, he looked back and I poured my drink on him.

Hawk: What the fuck! - He yelled. He noticed it was me.

Y/n: Looks like you made it. - I said sarcastically. He frowned.

Hawk: Y/n it's not what it looked like. - I rolled my eyes. 

Y/n: Yeah sure. That's what they all say! - I yelled. Moon started walking away when I grabbed her collar and chocked her. I pulled her in to my grip and put my arm around her neck.

Moon: S...stop! y....your ch...choking me! - She stuttered while gasping for air. I let her go and kicked her to the ground. I turned around to Eli who was just standing there. I slapped him. I started crying.

Hawk: Y/n. - He said softly. I shook my head.

Y/n: No. Stop. I don't want to ever see you again! - I raised my voice. I started walking off when he grabbed me hand, I twisted up and swept his leg leaving him on the ground in pain. I started walking back to Sam and Miguel. Soon as I met back up with them they seen me crying.

Y/n: Hey guys, I'm going to head home. - I said.

Sam: Y/n? What happened? - She asked.

Y/n: I don't really want to talk about it. I'll see you guys. - I said and walked off.

-At Home-

I got home and ran to my bedroom. I jumped on my bed and cried in to my pillow. I got up off my bed and went to my bathroom.

⚠ Cutting Ahead! ⚠

I opened my cabinet and pulled a razor blade off of my shaver. I ran downstairs and got some ice then I ran back upstairs and numbed my arm with it. Once done I grabbed the blade and closed my eyes. I sighed and cut three times. One for Eli, two for Moon, and 3 for me. I quickly washed the blood away and went to bed. I cried myself to sleep.

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