Chapter 14

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"Are you visiting your girlfriend today?"

I look up and see Youngjae in front of my table. I ignore him.

"Hey I'm talking to you. Answer me!"

Youngjae puts his hands on my table. I look up at him and stare blankly. 

"She's not my girlfriend. But yes I am. Why do you even care"

Youngjae chuckles.

"Of course she's not your girlfriend. Only stupid people would date someone like you"

"You're right you're right"

I agree with Youngjae and nod. I didn't wanna get in trouble so I just agreed with what he said.

"But she probably is stupid. Just like Jongup. Just like you. Cause only stupid people wanna be with you"

Youngjae chuckles as he walks away. I grab my notebook and throw it after him. He grabs the notebook off the floor and look at it.

"Is this your notebook?"

I nod.

"Well good luck for the exam now"

Youngjae looks at me and then starts ripping all the pages and then throw it out the window. I stare at Youngjae. I really don't know what to do. I grab my bag and leave the classroom.

"Zelo where are you going?"

I look up and see Jongup.

"I'm going to the hospital. I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here where Youngjae is. I wanna be at the hospital with y/n.

"You forgot this"

Youngjae yells and throws the ruined notebook after me. I ignore him and start walking.

"Zelo stop! You're not allowed to leave until school ends! You're gonna get in trouble"

Jongup yells at me trying to stop me. I ignore him. I didn't care about getting in trouble. I just wanted to see y/n.

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