Chapter 12

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I didn't sleep well that night. I kept waking up checking if y/n was still there. She was sleeping peacefully but I still was scared. What if the dream would become a reality? I'm gonna stay here even more than before.

I wake up as y/n yells my name. "JUNHONG! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!". Y/n starts crying uncontrollably. Suddenly the machine monitoring her heartbeat goes into one long beep. It meant her heart stopped. I put my hand on her chest. No heartbeat. I run out of the hospital room yelling for a doctor. They rush into the room and try to wake her up. I sit down in the corner of the room crying. "3..2..1.. now" the doctors use the heart starter once again. No success. "Stop" one of the doctors says. They take y/n out of the room. "I'm so sorry sir" one of the doctors say and leaves.
*end of dream*
"Y/n!!" I yell in panic as I wake up. Why were I having these dreams? I got out of bed and moved my bed all the way over to y/n's bed. I lay down in bed again.

"I'll protect you"

I say as I wrap my arm around y/n.

Please stay with me जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें