Chapter 3

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"Hello y/n"

"It's me Jongup. Do you remember me?"

"I miss doing dance battles with you"

"Let's do lots of dance battles when you come back"

A tear rolls down my face as Jongup speaks to y/n. Y/n was my best friend and saved my life a  year ago.. so she means a lot to me and I don't wanna loose her..

"Zelo just fuck off! You're annoying and I hate you! I've always hated you! Hated every second of being with you! I don't care what you do just leave me the fuck alone!!". I stare at Youngjae in disbelief of what he just said. He was my childhood friend. I guess he didn't see me as a friend but rather a burden. "I told you to fuck off!" Youngjae yells into my face and pushes me. I take a few steps away from him. I was scared. I've never seen Youngjae be this scary before. "Fuck off before I beat you!" Youngjae yells. I turn around and run out of Youngjae's room slamming the door. I then run and keep running not knowing where I'm going. I then get to a cliff. I go to the edge of the cliff and look down. "Would I be able to drown myself if I jump from here? Maybe I will hit my head on a rock and it will knock me out" I think as tears run down my face. "I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry brother. I'm sorry Jongup" I say as I turn around and lean backwards falling down the cliff. I feel a sharp pain in my whole body as I hit the water. I look up at the surface of the water. The sun shining into the water. It gets darker and darker. Suddenly I feel pain as I hit my head into a rock. Blood starts flowing out in the water. The red mixes with the blue of the water and I look at it as I feel myself getting dizzy. "I'm almost there I just gotta stay underwater for a little longer" I think to myself. Close to passing out I feel someone grab my shirt. I get pulled towards the water surface. I can't see who it is because my vision is so blurry. We're at the surface of the water and the person is holding tight onto me as they swim towards the shore. As I get back to my senses slightly I notice it's a girl. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing lifesaver clothes. That's when I realize the cliff was right besides a beach. We reach the shore and the girl puts me on the sand using her shirt as a pillow for my head. "Someone call an ambulance!" She yells in panic.
*end of flashback*

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