Chapter 10

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"Hello y/n"

"I'm here with Mochi. Jongup is here too"

"Jongup has something exciting to tell you"

"Y/n i got into the dance academy. Remember I told you about it last month?"

"I'm really happy about getting in.

I go to sit down besides the bed while holding onto Mochi.

"Y/n can you move a finger?"

"Maybe you can move it to make Mochi happy?"

"Mochi already likes you a lot"

Jongup then goes to sit by the other side of the bed. He seemed like he wanted to try making y/n move so I went back to my chair.

"Y/n can you move a finger for me?"

"Can you move a finger for Zelo?"

Y/n then moves. This time two fingers. Jongup and I look at each other smiling bright.

"Good job y/n"

"Zelo brought cherry tomatoes again. You're gonna have to control him when you wake up. I think he's gonna get sick from eating so many soon"

"Sorry y/n but I have to go. I'll see you another day"

Jongup then leaves.

I grab y/n's hand and stroke it lightly.

"I don't know if you will remember me saying this to you when you wake up. Maybe you will. I might regret saying this to you"

I take a deep breath.

"Ever since I met you my life has been amazing. You mean so much to me and you're really dear to me. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I've sometimes imagined what it would be like to walk down the streets holding your hand or what it would be like to kiss you. But I stop myself when thinking about it because I don't wanna think I might have a chance with you. I love you y/n"

I hold her hand for a few more seconds and then get up.

"I'm gonna leave now. Sleep well y/n"

I move her hair from her face and kiss her forehead. I notice y/n's mouth corners moving up a little.

"Y/n did you just try to smile?"

I sit down besides her.

"Y/n can you try again?"

I look at her for a few seconds but nothing.

"It's fine. You've worked hard today"

I stroke her hair and leave.

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