"Uh oh, you've got the look." She said. I looked back to her.

"What's that?" I asked. She grinned.

"The look. The "Percy Jackson Fan Girl" look." I almost laughed.

"He has a fan club?" I asked. She nodded.

"Oh yeah, big one too. It's basically every girl in the school. As stupid as it sounds, Percy's kind of everyone's idea of a perfect guy: Captain of the swim team, funny, nice, and I'll admit it he is kind of cute." She said it like it was a fact, not her opinion. I watched as a bunch of giggling idiots huddled across the hall from him whispering and laughed. Lucky that my celestial bronze went straight through them, otherwise they'd be dead by now.

"So he's popular?" I confirmed. She nodded.

"Oh yeah, the most." Wow, that's new..."Hey I like you, so I'll warn you now." She said, "Percy's kind of off limits." I raised an eyebrow.

"Is he?" She nodded.

"Yeah, he turns down every girl that has the guts to ask him out. Says he has a girlfriend, but she sounds too perfect to be true so nobody actually believes him." Aw, Percy. I looked back towards him. He was leaning against the lockers with his back to me. I contemplated how I would first tell him I'd transferred...


"Well that's the bell, what's your first class?" She asked and peeked over my shoulder at my schedule.

"English with Mr. Blofis." Her brown eyes brightened.

"Really? Percy and I have that class too! Maybe you can meet him before lunch," She said with a wink. The wink didn't say "I bet you have a shot with him." It said something more along the lines of "you poor lovesick puppy you. I'll humor you until you get the message."

But hey, she was nice, so I played along and grinned.

"Lets get there before we get locked out then." I said and followed her as she led the way through the twisting halls to the English wing.

Percy's step-dad, Paul, stood outside the door greeting students. We rounded the corner just as the night black hair ducked into the room. Paul spotted us, and smiled.

"Ms. Zemm, why don't you head inside while I get acquainted with our newest student?" He said to Trinity. She nodded.

"Yes sir," and did as she was asked. When she was out of sight, Paul grinned at me.

"Ah Annabeth! How are you adjusting so far?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's only high school, Mr. Blofis, I've dealt with worse." He chuckled.

"I suppose that's so," he clapped his hands together as the final bell rang and students ran to their rooms before the doors shut, "Why don't I head inside and make sure his back's turned as I'm sure you have a plan of attack," Paul winked and I laughed.

"Athena always has a plan," I confirmed. Again, he winked, and strode into the classroom. I counted to ten before following him in.

The classroom was still fairly unorganized even though class had officially begun two minutes ago. Jocks were sitting on desks throwing paper airplanes at each other, girls were checking their phones, and others were quickly filling in homework before the teacher looked. Percy stood with his back to me talking to Paul over his desk. I walked through the stuffed classroom towards him. Trinity shot me a warning look that clearly said "Don't do it, you'll get hurt!" but I just shrugged and winked at her. A few girls in the back of the room glared at me when they saw whom I was about to go up to. Maybe tomorrow I'd bring a real knife to school...

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