B.B Homemaker (Part 2)

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Y/n P.O.V

A  Year Later

"Y/n! Come here!" I heard Bey yell out from the other room but I tried to ignore it. If I ignore it enough then she'll probably and hopefully stop calling me.

I continued doing my work in my office when Bey opened the door holding our baby Chloe. Bey wanted a boy but we ended up getting a girl instead. She was a very beautiful baby girl who wasn't really fussy luckily.

"Don't you hear me calling you? Chloe took a shit, it's your turn to change it."

"My turn? Girl, I changed Chloe's diaper last night because you wouldn't get up and even smacked me with a pillow. Then this morning I changed her diaper again. So now, it should be your turn."

"Y/n.... It fricken sticks. Why does she poop so much."

I shrugged my shoulders focusing back on my computer in front of me, "Ion know, it's prolly your breast milk."

"Shut up Y/n, it is nOT my breast milk. She probably just got some messed up gene from you and now she won't stop shitting. Hurry up Y/n, I don't want her to get a diaper rash."

"If you would just go change her diaper instead of going back and forth with me then she definitely won't be in any risk of getting a diaper rash. Just hold your breath when you're changing her diaper. Plus I'm busy trying to finish my work."

"You're literally the boss of your company, I'm sure there's no deadline for you." Bey said dumping Chloe on me still. She walked out the room leaving me with Chloe who just stared back at me as I did her.

"Jeez, you look like your crazy ass mother so much. Let's hope you at least take your personality and attitude after me." I shook my head getting up and walking to the nursery room in order to change her dirty diaper.

After finishing up I held her close to me before walking out trying to find Bey but I didn't see her anywhere. About to go to the theater room, I saw Bey outside tanning by the pool while reading some newspaper.

I opened the back door walking out making sure to shield Chloe from the sunlight and standing by Bey making my shadow block the sunlight.

"Move Y/n, I'm trying to relax."

"Can you take her please? I need to catch up on some work and help out an employee that just emailed me some questions." I told Bey who didn't open her eyes to look at me. "I know you heard me."

"I'm tired from being a mother, give me a break." She said trying to push me away.

"All you do is give her some tiddie milk and that's it. I'm literally the one that does everything."

She finally opened her eyes sitting up and putting the newspaper by the side, "Don't downplay my role of being a mother Y/n, you make me sound like a bad one. I take care of her and spend time with her. You're the one that's always burying yourself in work not having anytime for her. Changing some diapers does not equal being a good parent. Don't reward yourself for doing the bare minimum. I carried her for 9 months and popped her out my poor tiny vagina. All you had to do was stick your dick in and that was it." She extended her hand taking Chloe from me.

Bey's face lit up playing with Chloe who cooed in response. Both of them walked back in the house making me trail along right behind them.

"Okay fine Bey, I admit that I do work a lot and don't actually spend quality time with Chloe. How about this, let's all go on a picnic together." I suggested.

"A picnic does sound nice, let me go get dressed up." She said handing Chloe back to me. Poor baby been getting thrown left and right.

"Aye don't take long Bey!" I yelled out to her because I knew how she could get when it came to dressing up in order to go somewhere. She was extremely indecisive which could take hours.

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