Chapter 2

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Jumping down from my horse, I landed with a thud. My hands fumbled with the reins longer than necessary, as I tried to fill my time. The remaining scouts had all stalled their horses, heading off into the Mess Hall. Commander Erwin and Captain Levi were the only two figures left when I entered the stalls inside the barn.

Removing the straps on my saddle, I placed it over the stall wall, my eyes lingering on the two of them. Turning, I ran my hands over my pants as Commander Erwin's voice began to fade.

I didn't have much time to prepare before Captain Levi approached me, grabbing my chin between his thumb and index finger, studying me intently. He turned my face from side to side, his eyes narrowing and darkening as my lips parted, my breath catching.

He took a deep breath, eyes lingering on my lips for another second before dragging them up to meet my own. "Are you hurt?" He loosened his hold on my chin as the pad of his thumb ran over the curve of my jaw.

My eyes widened at his touch. I swallowed, composing myself. "No, I'm fine." His hand trailed further back, the inside of his palm brushing over my cheek as his fingers began to thread into my hair. My hand came up, grabbing his wrist before I could register what I was doing.

Our eyes locked, and neither of us spoke. My hold wavered after a moment. My hand spasming, I loosened my grip on his wrist. His eyes glanced down and away from mine as he watched my thumb begin to run down his wrist.

His eyes followed as my thumb ran a trail over the soft pale skin of his wrist. Looking up, I watched his jaw twitch, as his mouth closed. It happened too fast to track. His hand dropped from where his fingers had been threaded within my hair. His arm snaked around my waist as he backed me into the stall door behind me.

My eyes narrowed as I looked into his. But he was distracted, eyes full of hunger as they remained locked on my lips. I began to speak, opening my mouth, but was silenced as his lips came crashing down on my own. I stumbled, his arm tightening around my waist as his hand came out to brace against the stall wall behind me.

He deepened the kiss, crushing me against himself as his hand came down off the stall wall to cup my face, tilting it slowly from side to side as he consumed every inch of me. He held my face firm as a small whimper escaped from my lips; he groaned back in approval.

I felt his lips tug into a grin against my own before he took ahold of my bottom one between his teeth, biting down before sucking on it gently as he pushed me further into the hard wood behind me. One of his legs came between my own as his lips broke free. Kissing alongside my jaw, he pushed my hair back behind my ear as his lips trailed the shell of my ear.

I whimpered, shuddering against his hold. He only groaned in satisfaction. I was lifted to my toes as he pushed his thigh up into my heat, biting down on the soft flesh of my neck. My legs spread further, as I angled my hips forward, unable to stop the involuntary movement. My body was reacting to his touch. The restraint I had left snapped as I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my hips up and down his thigh. Tangling my fingers through his hair, I wrapped strands around my fingers, giving them a playful tug. The steady tempo my hips had set wavered slightly. He chuckled against my skin as he brought his lips back up to mine. "Eager, aren't you?"

My hands tugged on his hair, pulling his lips from mine as I found his neck, riding his thigh as I felt a sweet release build. His lips found my ear, a breathless moan catching in his throat as my tongue ran over the sensitive skin on his neck. I grinned against his skin, pressing myself harder into his thigh as I came close to release. He seethed through his teeth, pulling his thigh out from between my legs. Pulling himself away, he breathes deep before looking up into my eyes. "Use your words, If you want it then say it." Even in intimate moments, he was still intimidating.

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