Love before betrayal (V!HawksxH!Touya- BNHA oneshot)

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ksxldbcvcvkjbddbfb- I'M sO SoRry fOr nOt PostIng A cHapTer in fOREver- AAAAaa- sososorry. Anywho, I am back - I think. I h o p e. Well. I've had this chapter idea for a bit - I wanted to do it last chapter. But, Pokkupikku stans. :)) Enjoy this- and- a warning; this chapter does contain gore, slightly-

  The red haired male trotted the calm streets of the town he inhabitated. He let out small hums as a calm expression had gone along his features, hand pieces tucked lightly away in his grey hoodies pockets. Electric blue hues darted across, eyeing the civiilians whom passed by. Some greeted him, if they knew who he was. A hero - that's what he was, surely..right? He had always grown up to believe that heroes were good and the villians in the bad. Never more, never less. Though, Touya didn't believe such things - he knew heroes were good and all..but some..less than others. The male released a low sigh, shutting his eyelids for just a second..

  Smash! He had bumped into someone. Letting out quite the yelp, he stumbled back onto his heel and tumbled on his bottom. He shook his head hazily and opened his eyes. To greet him, there had been a blonde male with a pokered expression. A brow of his raised and held out his arm, Touya grabbed onto it and pulled him up. ''Uhm..apologies..didn't watch where I was going.'' He quickly mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. ''It's quite fine.'' He chuckled, his lips forming a thin line that turned into a slight smile. ''Mmm..alright.'' Touya scanned him up and down. Quite the tall one, he might add. ''Who might you be?" The stranger asked, cocking an eyebrow. He snapped back to reality and shook his head, digits ran through his fluffy red locks. "Touya, Touya Todoroki.'' Touya formed a slight smile. ''Well, Touya, I'm Keigo Takami.'' He bobbed his head. ''You seem to be new around here.'' Keigo gazed to the side and nodded with a wince.

  ''I am, definitely..'' There was a underlying chuckle behind his voice. ''Would you like to go get some coffee? I know this really good place nearby!" Touya held his cheery smile, almost child like. Keiho couldn't help but chuckle. ''Sure.'' Touya began to continue his trot ahead, Keigo following. the blonde male sighed and thought; I can't get close to him..this is just for the mission at hand. Remember that. Keigo's thoughts were soon interupted with Touya announcing they had arrived. In which, he nodded and followed the male in. ''I'd like a black coffee please.'' Touya gazed at the cashier and reached in his pocket. ''Just some green tea, please..'' They nodded and typed in the information. ''That would be 518.82¥.'' Touya would pull out the cash, but Keigo intervened. ''Let me, I insist.'' He shook his head. ''No, no. I insist! You're new here.'' Keigo let out a breathy sigh and nodded. Soon, the two got their drinks and walked out the shop. ''Mmm..thank you, Touya.'' Keigo smiled a bit inbetween sips. ''Of course.'' He glanced at Kego for a second, humming gently.

                                                                                      ~A time skip just because, lets say, two weeks!~
   The two had walked around the park, enjoying eachothers presence. Just in the mere two weeks of knowing each other, they had grown to become quite good friends. Keigo would let out an icy breath, scoffing at the cooler temperatures. ''Damn this cold weather..'' Touya chuckled and netsled into his hoodie. ''Can agree, it is around that time.'' He hummed in response and pulled out his phone, checking the time. 2:15 PM. He grumbled and checked for any missed calls. ''Mmmm?" Touya nossily glanced at his phone. ''Whatcha dooiiin'?'' Keigo jumped, being easily startled. He chuckled more and placed a smile. Keigo rolled his eyes and stuffed his phone back into place. ''Nothing, nos--'' He was cut off with Touya's own phone ringing. He huffed and pulled it out, answering the call. ''Yes, hello?'' He hummed into the device. ''Oh dear..ugh..alright, I'll be there soon.'' He hung up after so and sighed. ''Looks like we'll have to cut this short..they need me at the agency..'' Keigo nodded understandingly. ''Ah, alright. Well. Stay safe, 'Blue Savior.' '' He chuckled at the heroes name. (Yes, that's his hero name for me, aha.) ''Mmh! Of course.'' He giggled and dashed off.

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