Chapter 1 pt 5- Trial start

Depuis le début

Non stop debate-

Akaashi: after we had all gone to bed.

Akaashi: Tendou went to where Hinata was.

Y/n: that's wrong! Take a look at this!

Akaashi: a note?

Y/n: yes! We found it in Hinatas bin. Have a read.

Akaashi: is

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Akaashi: is... This...?

Y/n:proof that the culprit was there before Hinata got there. Not only that, but they led him out as well.

Atsumu: but I mean, that doesn't change the fact that Tendou did it right?

Y/n: actually, what he told me is proof he couldn't have done it

Iwaizumi: oh! Is it about being locked in the cafeteria?

Tendou: uhh yeah. After I had finished the moulds I went to set them up. But when I tried to leave the door was locked from the outside. I think that was around 10:30. Iwaizumi let me out in the morning.

Osamu: ...

Y/n:the kitchen and cafeteria aren't connected, you have to pass through the hallway to get to them. If what he says is true then Tendou wouldn't of had access to the kitchen.

Akaashi: I apologize, I made a mistake.

Bokuto: oh! All the boys got keys right??

Y/n:they did?

Bokuto: yeah!! Monomolten told me when I picked mine up!

Kuroo: so that narrows down the list to the boys, doesn't help much-

Tendou: we did? I didn't know, I don't actually think I've looked around my room yet

Atsumu: now hold on just a minute! How do we know he ain't lying?

Osamu: well he's more trustworthy then you

Oikawa: anybody working with Ushiwaka can't be trusted!

Ushijima: Tendou is a good friend, he doesn't tell lies

Kageyama: he could be lying trying to save himself

Kuroo: I doubt it

Monomolten: is this a split opinion I see?! Well then I guess it's time to try out something new I've been working on!! The morphing trial grounds!!

Atsumu: oh cool! I wanna see that!!

Split opinion:

Don't trust Tendou:

Trust Tendou:

Daishou: he could of locked the door from the inside!

Kuroo: he didn't even know we had keys!

Kenma: he was still in the kitchen for a while...

Aone: not long enough to commit murder

Futakuchi: half an hour was plenty of time!

Osamu: but he wasn't in there at the time Hinata was killed

Kageyama: he could've wrote the letter easily!

Ushijima: Tendous handwriting looks different to the writing in the letter

Oikawa: he could just straight up be lying about being locked in the room!

Iwaizumi: didn't you hear me? I unlocked the room for him!

Akaashi: how can we trust the pad you were given?

Bokuto: I doubt the robot would lie about something like that!

Atsumu: he's our only suspect

Y/n:he's not the only suspect, let's think this through!

Trust Tendou

Danganronpa Deaths Court (Danganronpa x Haikyuu)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant