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"Maybe under the pillow", you suggest.
"Like in the movies?", Cody asks.
"Uhm yeah, I mean it won't be that bad if everyone in the movie does it"
Cody smirks and puts the gun under his pillow.
"Well then, good night Y/n", he says before turning off the lights. You lay in his bed and hear him laying next to you. Your back is turned to his face. You got a bit nervous but you try your best to sleep. You can hear his breath, and that kinda calms you.

After a time that felt like forever to you, you here something outside. Footsteps. Ok that's scary. You turn around and face Cody, whose eyes are closed. But slowly he opens his eyes and looks into yours. He whispers:" you heard that". You nod and he continues whispering:"should we go looking what's out there? Or at most look out of the window?"
In any case, you were in favor of looking out the window at what was going on outside.
So you stand up and walk up to the window. You try to push the curtains of the the window away so you can see everything. But as you look outside it takes your breath away. This is getting way worse than you thought.

"What is there?", Cody whispers up to you. You are still in a shock and just stare outside. Cody stands up and walks up to you. As he saw, what was going on he stopped making any noises.
Out there were 3 people, in costumes, you could say clown costumes. One has green hair with a lot of holes in the mask and a big smile. The second one has 2 hands coming out of here white mask, her eyes are full white too and she has black hair. The last one looks like an elephant in a white-red striped suit. Everyone of them carries a knife with them.They are terrifying.

Cody was the first one who reacts to the clowns. He grabs your shoulder and pulls you away from the window. He puts his finger on his lips to symbolize that you should be quiet.
"What are we going to do now", you whisper anyways.
"I have no idea. We can't go out. We are two and they are three. And we only have one gun. They have three knifes and whatever they are carrying around", Cody whispers.
We could hide"
„In the bathroom?"
„No that's so obvious, what about the closet"
„I mean that's obvious too"
„but better than the bathroom"
You guys crawl on the floor over to the closet. Fortunately, Cody doesn't have that much clothes with him or he just left them in his suitcase. You both somehow fit in. You are sitting on his lap and you could feel his heart beating. And now you wait, till you hear nothing. The clowns out there are talking about something, but you can't understand what they say, no matter how hard you try. You just understand single words and sometimes even a sentence like:
"we can't do it again"
"not tonight"
"have to wait"
"too obvious"
That's all you could understand.

After an eternity in a closet, you finally hear nothing. "Are they gone?", you whisper. "Probably", Cody answers and slowly opens the door of the closet. You step out and walk straight to the window. You take a look outside and see no one. Tomorrow you have to come back to the set and it's already kinda late. You really have to sleep. "I think they are gone, Cody. I really have to get some sleep now, I have no idea how but I have to", you say while you sit on the bed. Cody thinks about something for a second and says:" come here, you can sleep in my arms, maybe you will feel safer then and you can easier fall asleep."
He lays on the bed and opens his arms for a hug. That's so cute of him. Of course you throw yourself into his arms and make yourself comfortable. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was:" I'm here"

Sorry the chapter is really short but I don't have a lot of time today, I hope that's ok.

and a big ty to LillianAHS1984 for commenting (:

Have a nice day
-739 words-

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