Your biggest nightmare

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After the scene you got in your caravan to relax a bit. You lay on your bed and take your phone. 5 new messages, 4 from Lana and one from your Mom. You open the message from your Mom first.
•Hey sweetheart, you know I'm very proud of you and I miss you but please be careful. There is a murderer in the town you're filming! See you soon•
You smile and answer her that everything is okay. Now you take a look at the messages from Lana.
•Ugh, thank you for replying•
•Omg, I just heard that there is a murderer in your town?! STAY SAFE•
•wait answer me•
You roll your eyes and reply:
Yeah, crazy right? Everyone here is terrified, I mean they don't show it but you can see the fear in their eyes.•

You go on Instagram and see that Cody has already sent a friend request to you. You accept it, turn off your phone, and get in some sporty clothes to do a little workout. After the workout you were tired but you and Cody are going to meet at 7pm. Is that a date? No. You don't think so. You take a look at your closet and choose a pleated skirt with a comfy sweater. After getting dressed you put on some makeup and leave the caravan.

"There you are", Cody says. He was already there and was waiting for you.
"Surprise" , you say ironically and sit down on a free chair. It was already dark and you could hear the locusts zip.
"Well", Cody starts,"I just wanted to let you know that I'm always here, when you feel like someone's in your caravan or if you're just scared, what I can understand I mean there's a literal murderer out there, then you can just come over, ok?" He looks at you with his blue eyes. Gosh, he looks like a Greek god. After some seconds of just starring at each other you smile and say:"yeah sure, same thing with you!", he smirks and got some of your hair out of your face. You're a bit shocked that he doesn't have any fear of contact, but you absolutely have no problem with that. The rest of the evening you both talked about your childhood and had a lot of fun.

Finally in your bed, you close your eyes and try to sleep. And it almost worked out. Suddenly you hear a scream. It was short, but still loud. Did you just imagine that? Probably. Or not? Should you check if something happened? Or maybe something just fell off. Yeah that's probably it. And that would explain why the scream was so short.
You try to get that out of your head but you can't. Ugh. You've always had problems falling asleep, but now it's particularly bad. You just can't stop thinking about the scream and that there is a fucking murderer in this town and... Cody. Okay. You have to sleep now. You have to appear on set tomorrow. After maybe 30 minutes of suffer, you finally fall asleep.

-next day-

You wake up and look at the clock. Good. You got up earlier than your alarm clock. Last night was fucked up and you kinda had eye bags under your eye, so you try to hide it with some makeup. Someone knocks on your door and you answer. It's Cody. He looks so happy to see you. "Oh thanks god, you're still alive"
Your smile slowly fade away and you look at him in conclusion. "What do you mean?"

You sit down on a chair and Cody starts explaining:"well tonight, I don't know if you heard it but someone screamed"
No way. Please don't let it be what you think.
"You probably heard it, I can tell that on the way you look at me right now. Anyways, it was Marias scream. Maybe you knew her. She was one of the makeup artists and she did the makeup of Jessica and Evan. Unfortunately, she got murdered"
You are holding your breath. Is he serious? Was there a literal murder like 10 feet away from you? You don't move and Cody takes your hand and continues:"the murderer has left this weird snake symbol on the wall again, so we can tell that it was probably the same person that all the media is talking about right now. But, everything will be ok, do you understand?"

Ok Thats, sorry that I haven't updated in a long time it's just school. Yeah pls give me ideas and have a nice day


-784 words-

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