The new girl

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There you are. On the set of American Horror Story. You looked around and see a dirty blond  woman walking up to you. It's Emma Roberts! "Hey, I'm Emma! Who are you? I mean are you new here because I've never seen you here before?", she asks with a soft voice. "Uhm yeah, I'm new here. My name is Y/n. But it's not my first time acting I've acted before! I was in The Walking Dead, as an example!, you say.

After a little talk with Emma you feel someone tapping on your shoulder. You turn around and see Ryan Murphy. You gasped.
"Hello miss Y/n. Nice to see you on set! I am very happy to work with you! Do you want me to show you your caravan?, he says in a little rush. "Good Morning, Mr. Murphy! It's nice to see you too! And it would be lovely if you could show me my caravan!" You say as professional as you can. He nods, turns around and starts walking. You follow him.

On the way to your caravan you recognize a bunch of actors like Sarah Paulson, Evan Peter..., but one of them literally took your breath away. Cody fern. He was sitting on a chair in front of a caravan and looked into his phone. He didn't saw you but that will change soon.

Arrived at your caravan Mr. Murphy opens the door for you and gives you the keys. "Yours now", he said and winks at you. You just smile and enter your caravan. It was comfy and you already felt like home. You had a bed, a cute little kitchen and even a TV. With a smile on your face you start to unpack your things and place them somewhere in your new home.

After 20 minutes someone knocks at the door. Before you answer you check yourself in de mirror. "Hello", you Heard a males voice. It was Evan Peters! You couldn't believe it! You were a big fan of Evan since a long time. "Hey", you answered a bit nervous. He smiles at you and starts introducing himself:" I'm Evan, you probably know me if you have watched the other seasons of American horror story! I just wanted to introduce myself and I want to ask if you want me to show you the set?"
You need a second to get his words and then open your mouth: "uhm yeah! It would be helpful if I knew where the bathroom is! Oh, and I'm Y/n by the way"

After the little tour with Evan, he introduces you to the other actors on set like Sarah and Kathy. You and some others sit down at a table to just talk.
"Hey Cody, the new girl has arrived, do you want to meet her?", Evan shouts to Cody who's still sitting in his chair. He raises his head and looked with his ice-blue eyes at you ... at only you. You couldn't help but stare back. After a few seconds of silence he stands up and walks towards you.

Hey, I'm Cody. Cody Fern. And you are?", these were his first words. Now that he came closer I could see all his features. He was beautiful. Finally you opened your mouth and stutter: „Hey, uhm I'm Y/n nice to meet you!"
You never stutter. Why did you stutter now? What's happening?
He just smiled at you and sit on the table with the others

After maybe 1 hour it got dark and you got tired. They will start film tomorrow so y'all have to wake up soon. You decide to go to sleep so you say good night to everyone and make your way to your caravan.

Sorry the end was kinda rushed but that was my first „real chapter" I hope y'all liked it!!

And if you have ideas for the new chapter pls leave some comments <3

I will try to update tmwr but i cant promise
Also tell me if you like the story!!!


-680 words-

Cody Fern x reader &lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt