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Uhm Evan? What the fuck, where did you get those?" Sarah ask while taking one of the guns out of the bag „are they even real?"
„I found them. They were hidden near the crime scene and I discovered them when I was looking around a bit to, you know, find evidence. I don't even know if they are real but it's suspicious", Evan says. You look at Cody and see, that he already has one of the guns in his hands. He says:" Yup, they are probably real. Maybe we can make them useful and keep them in our caravans, so we can defend ourselves if he or she comes back"
Everyone seems okay with that, so y'all look how many there are in the bag. There are two left, and one has Sarah in her hand and the other one has Cody. 4.

Evan suggests:" if everyone sleeps with someone else in a caravan, several people could be armed"
Great idea! Either way, we would have slept two in a caravan,  just to feel safe", Sarah says while she examines the gun thoroughly.
Evan takes the bag with the two guns in it and leaves us three alone.

After a long conversation with Cody and Sarah, it got dark and cold. You and Cody go to his caravan, since you will both sleep there. Cody still holds the gun carefully in his hands and when you guys arrived at the caravan he places it on a table.
"Well you can sleep on this couch right here. But it's a bit small. I doubt you will fit on there", Cody says and point to the couch. It really is small. He continues:" So I don't mind if you sleep in the bed, I mean that bed is big enough for 5 people anyway, they would have to squeeze in a bit, but it will fit"
He was right. You nod and say:" I will be back in a minute. I just have to change in my Pyjama and brush my teeth"
Cody smiles and says:" of course, see ya in a minute!"

You leave the caravan and head to yours, that's literally 6 feet away from his. In there, you quickly change in your Pyjama and brush your teeth. While brushing your teeth, you take a look at your phone. You got a few messages of Lana again.
•Great your alive•
•but I think it would be nicer if you would answer more quickly•
•I mean yes you have to work, but just take your phone with you?!•
•Put yourself in my position. I'm so bored•
•anyways I'm going to the zoo with my little brother, he wants to see horses•
•I kinda feel like I'm talking to myself•

You smile and answer:
•yea, maybe I should take my phone with next time, I could make some photos for you then•
•oh and tell me how your little trip to the zoo went•

You open Instagram.
Cody has a new post, 3 minutes ago.

Oh a behind the scenes picture

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Oh a behind the scenes picture. You like the picture and comment:
•ok but like where am I•
You turn off you phone and want to walk over to Cody, but then you hear something. It sounds like something heavy fell. You look around and see nothing that fell off in your caravan, so you take a look out the window. It was so dark that you see nothing and you get scared. What the fuck was that. You have to get back to Cody, but you are too scared to leave the caravan. Oh come on it's only like 6 feet away, that's not bad. You take a flashlight with you in case someone really is out there, so you can blend his or her eyes, or throwing the flashlight at the person, I mean a flashlight can hurt too.
You leave the caravan and run over to Codys. You swing the door open that is fortunately not locked and storm in. Cody is still brushing his teeth in the bathroom and looks out of the bathroom door with a somewhat shocked look. "What was that", he asks.
"Oh, I just thought Someone was out there", you answer. He puts down the teeth brush and washes his face. "Don't be scared, I'm here, and I mean we have a gun", he says and smirks a bit. You agree with him and sit on the bed.
"Cute Pyjama", Cody says
"Fuck of", you laugh
Cody laughs and sit next to you on the bed.
"Ok where should we put the gun"

That's it
Shoutout to @LillianAHS1984 , thank you so much for commenting it means a lot for me. I can't answer in the comments because I have to enter a new email and I'm too lazy for that.

I'm gonna try to update tomorrow
And also thank you for 100 reader, I appreciate everyone of y'all <3


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