„So basically you're saying you wanted to help Feng Xin just like he did?", Xie Lian asked innocent.

Feng Xin interrupted with a big, play-acted cough. He said, „Stop it. We are all even now. Let's leave it here."

Xie Lian was confused. Why did Feng Xin stop him from bullying Mu Qing a bit into affirming that he wanted to help Feng Xin without any order? Was he embarrassed about that too? Couldn't be the case.

„So... is your kingdom safe now?", Feng Xin posed the question to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded.

„It's safe. Well, not for long I think. I got more armys from the Upper Court. They will defend my border when demons come. When I left everything was safe and there were no demons." Then he sighed out. „But I see you got supporting armys from Upper Heaven too."

„They're mine.", Xie Lian said.

„What?" Mu Qing looked offenden. „Did you make a friendship pact or what? That's not playing by the rules!"

„We didn't. You also got my help, right? It was an order from the Heavenly Emperor", Feng Xin said and seemed to want to end this conversation fast.

„Hmmm..." Mu Qing didn't seem like he wanted to stop talking soon. He smiled at Xie Lian which surprised both: Xie Lian and Feng Xin.

„E-eh... what?", Xie Lian said clearly confused of Mu Qing's unusual manner.

„Where's your husband, majesty, aren't you two always together?"

„What?", Feng Xin seemed to be very confused. Whenever there was a topic about love or woman (which is here clearly not the case, hehe), Feng Xin couldn't hide his discomfort. He was really not good at handling these.

Xie Lian also thought the question was a bit off because it had nothing to do with the current situation. He still answered normally,
„No, Hua Cheng and I have lots of buisness going on. We can't see each other often in times like these."

Then suddenly a forth god popped up.

„Pei Ming?",

the three gods which had talked a while ago where surprised. What was Pei Ming doing here?

„Hello, there!", Pei Ming said exultant.

„Majesty, what brings you to my kingdom?", was all Feng Xin could ask and Mu Qing took a glance on him.

„I am just passing by. Heard you three reunited like in the old, good times.

Feng Xin cleared his throat.
„I wouldn't call them „good" times."

Pei Ming continued, „yes, yes. Of course, you're right but these times brought two hearts together! This is an important aspect! Don't you think?"




„Okay, then you simply don't. I heard you were twitchering about the demon lord earlier. Where is he? Is he here?"

„No, he is not."

„Whaaaat? Why? He could really show his help with killing all these annoying demons."

„Other gods would throw him out."

„Ah! Yes! You're right. But your majesty... do you know what he's doing in the moment?"

This question was posed obviously to Xie Lian.

Xie Lian thought about if it was a good idea telling the three gods in front of him about Hua Cheng's plans. These gods had helped Xie Lian multiple times now and you could say that they all had a trustworthy relationship now.

„He wants to find the Supreme Demon who is sending the demons to the Heaven realm."

Pei Ming looked surprised: „Really? He did not tell me that."

„Yes, why should he tell YOU that?", Mu Qing asked and rolled his eyes.

Pei Ming looked concerned. „This could be a hard duty for only one person. Why don't we go help him?", he then said and smiled warmly.

Mu Qing and Feng Xin: „WHAAAT?"

Mu Qing: „Why should we help that litte...?!"

Feng Xing: „I am not even thinking about...!"

Pei Ming cut off their words. „Just think. This is not about helping Hua Cheng. His realm is safe, there are demons anyway. But in Heaven realm there is no place for such as demons.
We're only taking the chance to solve this issue together", Pei Ming said.

Both of them where quiet and probably thinking now.

„Okay", they sighed. „Let's help Hua Cheng"

Pei Ming nodded happily. „Good decision."

He looked serious now.

„Then let's go to the demon realm", he said.

Heaven Official's Blessing: After StoryWhere stories live. Discover now