Having Fun Under The Sun

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     Yunlan can't  look at his father  and Da quing  after  Shen Wei  told him what he have done during his high on drugs.

   He kept kissing Shen Wei  infront of them even Seo and Cong Bo had seen it.
Xin ci ruffled  his hair, "Yunlan forget about it! Shen Wei  will be your husband! So forget about it!" Making Yunlan smile, "Thanks Dad!" But Da quing  suddenly  add, "I can't  believe  you kept shouting his name and declaring your love for him!" Da quing  laugh.

   Making Yunlan run after  him to hit  him on the head but slipped  luckily  Shen Wei  caught him. "Ah Lan! Becareful! And Da quing  stop teasing my lover!" Shen Wei  scolded Da quing. 
"Ah Lan! I have a surprise  for you!" As they excuse themselves  to Xin ci and went to a private hut just the two of them with swimming  pool and jacuzzi.  "Wow! How did you get this place?!" He ask.

    "You can say Seo gave me this for the trouble happened  yesterday. So you can swim  now in the pool or jacuzzi! I will place our things inside our room!" Yunlan quickly change his clothes to his swimming  trunks and went for a swim after an hour,  he quickly gone to the jacuzzi to relax. "Hmmm....why Shen Wei is taking so long?" He wonder.
    Shen Wei  on the other hand was shock that Yunlan gave him a swimming  trunks to wear. Well he didn't  like that instead he added to wear a board shorts and put a robe.
Yunlan got excited when Shen Wei  emerge outside wearing a robe.

    But when he took it off his wearing a white tshirt  and a board short. "Wait! What?! Where is the speedo trunks I bought for you?!" He ask while Shen Wei  went to the jacuzzi beside him. "Wearing it! But it's  too skimpy! I like long shorts it's  very comfortable!" When suddenly  Yunlan submerge into the water and he suddenly  pulled Shen Wei's   shorts off and throw  it somewhere.

    Shen Wei  yelp in surprise,  "Ah Lan! How could you! You naughty lover of mine!" He swim fast to get Yunlan whose laughing to him non stop. Yunlan suddenly  got out from the water and dive in the swimming  pool. When Shen Wei  emerge his trying to pull down his white shirt to  cover his expose behind because the trunk is quite skimpy for his like. "Ah Lan! I'm gonna get you!"

    And swim inside the swimming  pool to get his Ah Lan. Suddenly  Shen Wei  caught Yunlan's  trunk and accidentally  teared it. " XIAO WEI!!!" Yunlan screamed as it float.  Shen Wei went red and  apologize to Yunlan. And tried to cover him up with the teared trunk. But he didn't  expect Yunlan suddenly  grabbed  him and kiss him senselessly.  "Are you high again?" Ask Shen Wei while he break the kiss.  "Take me you fool!" As Yunlan kissed him again.  The trunk his holding  have forgotten  and as it float away from them. While the two is having a hot love making in the pool.

    Within an hours they came back to the jacuzzi as they  laid there to rest. Yunlan laid his head on Shen Wei's  bare body. "Your quite hot! My Xiao Wei!" While closing his eyes to feel his heart beat drum fast. Shen Wei  on the other hand rubbed  Yunlan's  back, "Thank you for making me happy my sweet Ah Lan!" And kiss his head. "You know both of us are naked now!

     I also teared your clothes off as well that tiny trunks of yours!" Shen Wei  lift his chin up and brushed  his fingers in that plump lips of his. "Ah Lan! Why does you always makes me so crazy!"
Yunlan smirk, "Because I want you all to myself!" As he climbed  to Shen Wei  again and kissed him.

    In the next day Yunlan lead Shen Wei   to the beautiful scene in the island with Xin ci and Da quing.  The  blue water of the sea you can see clearly  small fishes swimming as well as crabs and rocks and plants. Yunlan hurriedly run to catch a small star fish and gave it to Shen Wei.  "Look! I gave the stars from the sky just for  you! Because I love you!" Shen Wei  laugh, "Silly man that's  a star fish! But I will accept it because I love you too!"

    Suddenly  Da quing  splashed them with water, "Knock it off you two! You make me puke!" He teasingly said. But he never expect Yunlan lift him up and thrown him in the water.  Making his clothes wet. "You deserve that bad kitty!" While everyone laugh as all of them kept splashing water to another except one.

    Xin ci sit quietly on a a small rubber boat on the water sipping his pineapple  drink with a shade and a big hat to cover his face from the sun. "Ah! This is life!" When he was sprinkled with water because  the boys are playing with water. "Stop splashing water with each other you three!"

    Making the three distance themselves  from Xin ci. But out of nowhere a speedboat  past them by, splashing water to Xin ci. "Uncle! I'm sorry! Shout Cong Bo with Sue on his back. "I just want to invite Shen Wei  to a race with me!"

    Yunlan suddenly  hold Shen Wei  tightly,  "Ah Lan! It's  okay!" Yunlan frown, "No! It's  not! His taking you away again! You promise to stay at my side!" Cute brown eyes pleading Shen Wei  to stay. "I'm sorry Cong Bo! Maybe some other day?" That made Cong Bo smirk, "Weakling! Are you afraid that your lover might see you eat my dust! Or you can say drink some water?!"

    Yunlan is the one that  got angry, "No one tells my Xiao Wei  is weakling! I will race you instead! And eat my shorts!" He shout. Making Shen Wei  widen his eyes, "Ah Lan?!" He tried to stop him. But Yunlan ignored his words. "And what bet we will take?" Cong Bo ask. Both look at Shen Wei  who sweat. "Oho! This is gonna be fun!" Said Da quing.


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