The Dark Past

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Shen Wei  dream of his past:

     "Shen Wei  are you ready in your position?!" His commander radio him. Shen Wei  is one of the  special soldier of their country.

    Their existence  is a secret even to their government. Orphan children raise to be soldier without a heart or soul. Just to do what they  command even to kill their comrades if their superiors  say so. Shen Wei  and the other orphan children is raise without feeling anything  because that is what they thought.

   But one mission change everything  when they have to destroy an enemy's  village. As they're  about to strike under his command when he saw a house with family in it and children laughing with their parents. "Why? Why they have that? They have parents and have a happy face while they're  companions are all weapons and coldness of the night. 

    And why do they have to destroy a village who can't  fight against them?!" His thinking break when one of his men can't  wait and order the attack in the village. People scream and children cry as their village gone to smoke. The people didn't  have chance to fight back for they were shock that children  that look like they're  son and daughters are carrying weapons and killed them.

    One of Shen Wei  comrades  went mad laughing and crying at the same time, "I killed them with my bare hands!" Everyone look at him, "Were destroying everyone can't  you see!" He shout. "We don't  ask questions or feel anything  just do what they command!"  One of the team leader pointed a gun on him.

    Shen Wei  tried to stop what happening but the team leader shot the one whose gone mad. "No!!!! What have you done?! You killed one of us!!!" And punch the team leader. "I was only doing my job! If the others find out what his spouting out! Our  team will crumble! Your  the commander here! You must understand that!" And shoved Shen Wei  and went back to his rank.

    Ever since then Shen Wei  felt guilty when everytime they were order to kill an enemy. The upper officials notice it and terminate his papers. Shen Wei  can't  believe  he was thrown out with nowhere  to go. "I'm disappointed  with you! You have the excellent  grade in class and the perfect soldier! But you are lacking in your work now! It's  unacceptable!

    Your very lucky we didn't  kill you!" As the officials  gave him some money and clothes and left him in the middle of nowhere.  There Shen Wei  walk an endless road until he find a village and cities to get some works. Luckily  he learned fast and quickly adjust in the society but still aloft to other humans until he found Yunlan.

End of Past:

     Shen Wei  woke up sweating remembering  all the people he have killed. "Why can't  I forgot them?!" Until he felt a hands wrapped  around his waist. "When did Yunlan came here?!" He was shocked but also happy seeing he have a someone to come home too. Waiting for him and not judging his past life. His innocent smile making Shen Wei  forget every bad things happened  to him in his past life.

    Now he have someone whose waiting for him with a smile. As he snuggle to Yunlan who now face him and sleeping  in his embrace. But Yunlan is always moving in his sleep and he accidentally  grabbed into something  making Shen Wei  yelp in surprise.

    Shen Wei  tried to take off his hands but it's  proving quite a futile while Yunlan's  hot breath is tickling Shen Wei's  neck.  Shen Wei  can't  help to moan feeling Yunlan's warm  hands rubbing his getting hard prize.

    That made Yunlan stir and woke up seeing Shen Wei  in a state. Shen Wei  moan so beautiful  in his ears making Yunlan kiss his soft lips that he like so much. Shen Wei  tried to stop him for his father might caught them again.

    But that plump delicious  lips is driving him insane with love and lust. And can't  control himself in pouncing in Yunlan that  night. Luckily  Xin ci is fast asleep  and didn't  notice Yunlan is missing in their room. Because his quite exhausted  in the event that happened  that day and work. His snorring in his sleep while his son is making love to Shen Wei  that night.

   Back in Yunlan's  mansion, Max called a special team to get his son back. One of it is the team leader of under Shen Wei  command back then name An Song. An Song was also kick out for disciplinary  action and never doing what his command. And now he have found jobs with rich people in dealing with their unreachable enemies.

   When Max gave the photo of his son and his katate expert lover. An Song can't  help to smirk, "Found you at last commander!" He said to himself. "Don't  worry sir! We will get him easily!" And called his five companions whose also been kick out of the force. "Boys! We will visit our former commander! Isn't  that wonderful.

    The next Shen Wei  quite rejuvenated  qorking happily  in the store making Xin ci suspicious  again while his son having no energy to eat just sleeping in his room. "Hmmmm...." But his thinking break when five men came and request for Shen Wei's  assistant.  Da quing  whose free tried to talk to them.

    "Not you! But Shen Wei!" When Shen Wei  heard the rukus he walk toward it. Only to find An Song evil smile. "Hello there again comnander!" Xin ci and Da quing  was shocked, "Commander?!!!!"

    Shen Wei  shut his mouth, "Let's  talk outside!" As he excuse himself. But  when he went outside Yunlan saw them and quickly change his clothes to follow Shen Wei,  without his father knowing it.

   Outside the park, "Do Yunlan's  father send you five?" An Song laugh, " Yes! No hard feeling just work!" When suddenly  one of them grabbed him from behind. But Shen Wei flipped him easily.  While the other tried to knock him down with his fist. "No!!! Yunlan hit the man on the head. "Ah Lan  what are you doing here?!!!" Shout Shen Wei.


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