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Hi everyone! Basically, I realized that not every one is suited for reading books online so I decided to start posting book recommendations that are outside of Wattpad that you can buy at a book store (or get shipped to your house... because, well, you know, pandemic).

I will try to post a variety of books that I enjoyed or ones that get PM'd to me that I should include. At least to start off, I will probably be doing a list for YA Contemporary books that I enjoyed. For every book on every list, I will post my rating of it (1-5) and my review for it. 

(Disclaimer: As you probably know, had you read the information for my soon-to-be Review Shoppe, I don't enjoy mature content. I will not be posting about any books that have a lot of mature themes. I will definitely mention in the reviews I leave if there is something in it that might trigger someone as to respect everyone's reading preferences. This is supposed to be fun, right? :D) 

You can feel free to message me with your review of a book you read from one of my lists and I will be sure to post it on my message board! You can also leave the review in the comments for that respective book if you would prefer to post it that way. 

I can't wait to share my love of books with you all! Please leave a comment here>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you have any questions about my Non-Wattpad Book Recs. Also, if anyone can come up with a better title for this, please PM me and I will give you a shout out should I pick your suggestion. 

Thank you all so much for your support! I really hope you enjoy the books!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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