Conner tried to listen but couldnt hear anything 

"No I cant, strange we are close enough to were I should be able to hear them but something is blocking me from hearing" Conner said 

"Could the tower be laced with something" Megan asked 

"No nothing to my knowing can stop me from hearing something, not even sound proof things unless it is heavy sound proofing like the rooms in the cave. The tower doesnt look like it is though" Conner said 

"Mmm... strange, maybe it is and we just dont know" Wally said 

"Yeah maybe" 

"Anyways, the next time that they go into a fight, can we just join them I dont want to be following them around for a month" Artemis asked

"I was already planning that, I agree with you I dont want to be either" Kaldur said 

(Dicks prov)

The tower was deadly silent that only sound was John playing with his toys on the floor. The girls were looking confused since they dont know what that truly means to all of us 

"How about you girls take your brother and go play in the play room" Star said 

I put Mar'i down as did Raven with Arella 

"Ok, come on John lets go play" Arella said happily 

John got up and did his speed walk/run to catch up with the running/flying girls. Once they were out of the room everyone turned back to me

"So if they are following us, then what does that mean" Jinx asked finally 

"Im not sure. They could just be here to try and get us to join them again, or they could be here for something else. I dont know what that something else would be but something else" I said 

"You dont think they are coming for you do you" Cyborg asked 

I shook my head "To them,after they kicked me out I ran away and havnt been seen for 9 years. None of them knew my civilian ID, so they wouldnt be after me on that. To them im probably dead which I can deal with" 

Everyone nodded 

"How are you feeling" Star asked 

"Honestly mad. I havnt seen them in years and we most certainly didnt leave on good terms. I got to a point years ago where I wouldnt think about them and my life was going good but now they are back. When I heard their voices so many memories that have been locked away came at me full force

"If they are her to apologize they are 9 years to late. No matter what they say or do Im not forgiving them, im not going to just run back to them" I said 

Everyone nodded their heads. They were smiling, most likely because they are happy to hear that I wont go back to them and that I am sticking to my word from so many years ago

"So what do we do now" Beast boy asked 

"Should we confront them, or let them keep following us around" Raven asked 

"I say we let them follow us around, eventually they have to get tired and go away right" Jinx asked 

I shook my head

"If Batman is still the same Batman they wont leave until they complete their mission since he will be mad if they dont" I said 

"What do you think we should do then" Star asked 

I thought about it for a bit. Did I really want to face Sure they dont know me and they dont know that I was Robin but that doesnt mean facing them would be easier. But if I just let them follow us around then they would be following us for a while. What would be best for the team though, its not just about me 

"I dont know, what do you guys think we should do"  I asked 

"Well personally I say we confront them, so that they can leave faster" Jinx said 

"I agree with Jinx, now that we know they are watching us, we can just confront them and get them off of our backs" Cyborg said 

"Well I think we should just ignore them and let them leave on their own accord" Beast boy said 

"I agree with Beast boy, eventually they will leave even if Batman will be mad at them" Starfire said 

I turned to Raven " And what do you think" 

"I dont care, either way we are not joining them and they will leave. The real question is are you able to talk to them again face to face without flipping out on them" Raven asked 

I thought about that. Would I be able to face them again after this long without blowing up. Sure it has been a while but all of the anger and sadness and broken trust is still there just waiting to come out

I have a huge decision to make. Everyone is waiting for me to make up my mind

"I say we...." 


Another chapter!! I hope you guys are enjoying this book. I saw that this has reached the triple digets in views and I would just like to say thank you to everyone that is reading this book. I means alot to see so many people are enjoying something that im doing so thank you guys for read

You know whats sad. We no longer have snow day. Where I live we get alot of snow and we usually have like at least 5-10 snowdays but this year we dont have any. If we were wernt doing remote today would have been a snow day, but now that we are doing remote and they discovered zoom, I have to wake up at 7 to get ready to do my 8am zoom class

We would have had a snow day, but now we still have to do school. Snow days are no longer a thing and I find that really sad

 Also do I care that I have to wake up early now and its a good 3am right I dont care. Am I going to post this and then go and watch anime till 5am which then in turn I wont get any sleep because whats the point and be a dead zombie for all of my zoom classes chugging either monster or sweet tea ... yes, yes I am. Am I going to repeat this process over and over because I cant stop doing it...yes I will. Good day 

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