"So? You do know that I can hide them anytime I want, sweetheart." He quickly adds, following you from behind. "Or how about this.. I'll give you cuddles —"

"Jiminie." You twirl around to face him with a stony expression. You wanted to see his reaction, as mean as it sounds.

He stops whilst you continue to eye him, devoid of any emotion. It goes on for another minute before he lowers his gaze, sighing.

Unbeknownst to him, a huge smile slowly tugs up your lips.

"Well.. as long as there's cuddles then you have yourself a deal, Chim." You chuckle, winking as his head instantly whips up to meet your gaze, eyes wide.

You've always wanted a cuddle buddy but since you had no one, the desire was a hard one to fulfill. But now that you have Jimin — a hybrid feline — Although still hard and skeptical to accept — the next upcoming nights would probably be the best ones you would ever have.

Apart from Hoseok and Yoongi whom you've been friends with ever since you had worked in the bistro, you weren't exactly the type to converse with others or to try and make friends like any stereotypical teenager would do in their youthful years.

No — you were the complete opposite of those. Growing up, your 'authoritarian' parents had always taught you to be more of an individualistic person, even if you were still admittingly dependent on your parents.

They greedily isolated you from the others, and even worse, homeschooled you. They falsely claimed that they were only protective and wanted to keep you out of unanticipated harm, but their actions unveiled otherwise.

Because of that, you had never endured what it felt like to have someone in your life, to care about you and for you to care about them.

Unfortunately, your parents weren't one of them.

Living a cloistered life has made you oblivious about the world's harsh reality. But this — this was your reality.

But ever since you met the two, they were like the pair of missing puzzle pieces that occupied the two empty spots in your rather sophomoric life. Ofcourse, at first, you were uncertain when Hoseok reached out to you. You'd only ever give him a small nod in response and pretend that you were listening to him when you really weren't.. which was kinda mean to think about.

But as months passed by, you developed that comfortable spot for Hoseok, and when you did, he finally shoved Yoongi in front of you as if he was waiting for it all his life and introduced you to him. The man was intimidating, in all honesty. He would look at anyone, regardless of who they were in his life, and eye them like he was planning a murder in his head when really, that man was just as soft as a pillow on the inside.

Maybe I should try and introduce Jimin to those two?

You nodded to yourself, agreeing at the thought as you faced the fridge, grabbing a couple of ingredients from inside.

You moved to the counter, but halted in your movements when a pair of arms suddenly engulfed you in a tight hug from behind, your back pressing against his hard chest.

"I knew you would agree." You could practically discern the smirk in his lips as he said so, making you roll your eyes yet again.

"I only agreed because of the cuddles." You mused, slipping out a bread as you neatly spread some butter on it.

"Whatever." He pulled back from the back hug and climbed up on one of the countertops, crossing his legs as he sat on it behind you. "Honestly, I didn't think you were the type of person to like cuddling."

You twirled around to face him and eyed him in slight amusement, back leaning against the counter. "What makes you think that?"

"You tensed up when I back-hugged you." He shrugged. You did, but only because you were not expecting it at all. It seems like Jimin has a habit of hugging people. He looks like the type of person to, anyway.

His eyes lit up when he saw a paper lying beside him, the shade of different soft-toned colors that matched well catching his interest as he picked it up. His cat ear immediately perked up when he saw a drawing on it. A captivating one. You were too busy in your own thoughts to even notice Jimin who was already switching his gaze to you, then back to the drawing repeatedly in sheer awe.

"You know how to draw?" He asked and you look at him, only now realizing that he was holding one of the drawings you made a week ago. You didn't mind, actually. Instead, you nodded and found yourself smiling when you sensed the amazement written all over his face as he continued to stare at your drawing.

"Kinda," You rubbed the nape of your neck and he diverts his attention to you, smiling widely. "Wow, you're so great at it."

You smiled and he returned the drawing back to where he first found it. "Thanks." Finishing, you took a bite on it as you handed him the other bread, yet he only scrunched his nose up at the sight of the food in your hand.

He shook his head. "I don't like butter."

"Hey, butter is delicious." You retaliate, pulling your hand away.

"Peanut butter is better than butter." He raises both brows as he points at the bread, mentally daring you to deny his opinion. 

"Believe what you want but butter is still better." You plopped the last piece in your mouth as you shove the other uneatened bread against his chest.

"Hey! I'm not eating this —"

"Do whatever you want with it," You swayed a hand as you walked away, but halted as you turned around to face him.

You eye him up and down, assessing his whole figure and you scoff, crossing both arms against your chest. He frowns cluelessly at your actions as his eyes subconsciously creep down on his own clothes, the bread still in his hand.

"You wanted to come with me to the café, right?"

He looks up at you and quickly nods, orange locks bouncing up and down in the process. His eyes displayed hope and excitement of where you were trying to get at. You suppressed a chuckle at his unintentional cuteness before clearing your throat.

"Then fix yourself," You grin, "You can't come to the café looking like that, so we are gonna buy you some new clothes."

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