160.Secretly Dating Iida(Yuga's Older Twin Sister)✨

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Requested by:@IMightFUYL⭐️

.You and your romantic relationship with the class's president,Iida, had been going on for the past three weeks now. And since the two of you were early into your relationship and weren't ready to make it public yet, you had to keep it a secret,especially from your nosy twin brother,Yuga, who's only younger than you by twelve hours.

.But as a few more weeks began to pass, the two of you, started slipping up. And because of that, some of your classmates began to question whether your friendship was just a "friendship."Yuga of course, questioning the same thing as well. |"What is that sneaky girl hiding?"|Yuga whispered from be a locker, while listening to your conversation with Iida.

.However, this particular night, while Aoyama was hanging out in your dorm room, like usual, you had gotten a phone call from a certain someone. In which you answered, forgetting your brother was right next to you, quietly listening in. Iida["Hey babe, I-I was wondering if you like to accompany me to my family's outing this week."] Iida said, nervously stuttering ever so often.

.And before you could even respond, Aoyama, had interrupted. |"je le savais!(I knew it!)But why didn't you tell me?"| Yuga yelled as you quietly ended the call. {"W-we just weren't ready yet."}You stuttered, awkwardly scratching your arm. |"Eh bien, je suis offensé(Well I'm offended)!"| Yuga said crossing his arms and lifting his head.

.{"Tu es un roi du drame(You are such a drama king)."} You said jokingly, rolling your eyes.
|"Well, drama king or not,If you want me to keep my mouth shut, take me shopping."| Yuga said while doing a shimmering pose. {"Fine, but you better keep your promise."}

(I hope you enjoyed ☺️💕💕)

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