Chapter 5: Meet Karma and Time.

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The council tried to find who was the destroyer for weeks.

They decided to ask Science to make a machine..

They just needed magic residue..

But they can't find anything.

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Ink requested another council meeting.

They all gather around the table.

There was deafening silence until Science! Sans spoke.

"Is it possible for the AUs to fall on it's own?" Science suggested.

"Maybe it was corrupted so it had to remove itself from our multiverse." Science added to his theory.

Science proudly said his theory. He worked 2 days on the possibilities and this is probably the best one.

"Great theory Science.. But I'm sure that the AUs weren't corrupted. So you're wrong." Ink said.

Science slouched from embarrassment. He just spoke confident just to proven false just that easy.

Everyone rolled their eyes on Ink. How they hate this guy. Good thing Dream is teaching him more manners.

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Suddenly, Ink saw another AU paper ripping.

They got there in time.. see strings ripping the code apart.

Magic residue. Perfect.

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Meanwhile.. Error is playing in his room.

"Hello Error! I am back!" Faith said.

"Hello Faith! Wanna play with my toys? Octopus King bought them." Error happily said.

Looks like Nightmare really took the 'Dad' role for Error.

"I have some terrible news for you.. Please don't cry!" Faith pleaded.

"I am a strong boy! I will NOT cry!" Error said proudly.

"So in the past few weeks... You might have activated your destructive powers.." Faith said.

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