Kristin's a BIOTCH

Start from the beginning

"Nice!" Adam congratulated.

I took off my skate guards and skated next to Adam. "You did pretty good last night." I complimented.

"Yeah, I kinda got the idea when you hugged me."

I giggled. "Sorry, I was very excited. Though, I never got to hug Goldberg sadly."

Just then, the sound of doors closing echoed through the room.

"Oh sorry, I-I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I'll just come back later." Said the girl with red hair.

"Oh-uh no your not interrupting anything." I call out.

Tiffany looked down at the ground. I glanced at her then to Adam. "I think she wants to talk to you." He whispered.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed.

Tiffany slowly approached the boards.

"I'll catch you later." Adam said and got off the ice.

"I-I thought it would be a good time to talk more about the Kristin thing, but we could always talk about it another time." Tiffany said.

I sighed.

"I also thought it'd be nice to catch up."

I kept silent and looked at my skates while picking the skin around my nails.

"Look, Bridget. I'm really sorry for how I acted. I know that it's hard for you to forgive people and I don't expect you to forgive me but I want you to know that I really am truly sorry." She apologized. "I'm sorry about Hans. I'm sorry about Rick. I'm sorry about anything else that I've missed in your life where I should've been there for you."

I looked up at her. "Kristin is a bitch, U must admit. I'm a traitor and a terrible friend and-."

"Tiffany, i'm sorry." I blurted out. "I think maybe I was jealous that you made the team and I didn't. Yes, I was mad that you were friends with Kristin, but it isn't my place to tell you who to be friends with or not. I must admit that I was too a bad friend for not being supportive of you being on the team. I was also kinda jealous that you had friends that you were constantly hang out with where as I was trapped in a cage called Rick Riley."

Tiffany looked at me shocked then giggled a bit. "I guess we both were bad friends."

"We've been friends since forever." I say. We both stayed in silent. "But I think we just hold each other back."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well you see Tiffany, maybe we fell out for a reason. I mean, we don't tell each other everything anymore. We hang out with new people." I exclaimed. "We have new crowds. We can still be friends and all but, maybe it's time we move on and stop waiting for each other."

"Bridget, i'd hate to admit it but I've been feeling the same thing."

"So you weren't actually sorry?"

"Nono I really was. Talking shit behind your back was really low and I meant-."

"I'm just playin with you." I giggle.

We exchanged smiles and did our secret handshake.

"Now, about Kristin." I say. "What proof is there when she did it."

"Well, you were on the ice for 5 minutes, right?" Tiffany said. "Kristin was there for 4 minutes. Also, when we left the locker room, Reagan Croft walked in to grab her skates because she got food poisoning. Her skates weren't vandalized. After Regan left, Kristin came in on the other side. She didn't have a need to, but no one questioned it. In Kristin's closet, she had a box of a size 5 figure skates. Kristin was never a size 5 but at the time she was a size 4." Tiffany explained. "Three witnesses, a single piece of evidence, and maybe if we find tapes from that time we have all the pieces we need to prove that's she did it."

A smile grew on my face but it then slowly vanished. "Yeah, but what good would it do?" I asked. "I already served my time. Kristin is now a legacy. Saying anything won't change anything."

Tiffany looked down. "Yeah, I guess your right. Well, you should look out though. Your rising to the top again. Who knows what sabotage she will do towards you?"

"I'll keep my eyes open."

That night, I left my skates in my locker. Coach Tremblay said I could rest this weekend because I've been grinding hard recently. After I left the school, I bet you can guess who paid a little visit to my locker. That's right. Little Miss Bandli. That psychotic bitch broke into my locker and took my skates. 

She took it to her dorm room that weekend tried bending my blades.

"This. Is what. You get. For trying to steal my legacy!" She cried as she pushed on the skates.

"Wouldn't it be a shame to have to buy some new skates?" She evilly laughed. The problem with buying new skates in the middle of the season is that, you are already so used to your pair of skates that if you change, it won't be comfortable to skate in.

On Sunday night, I wanted to go get some more extra practice in because i'm an over achiever like that and I got my skates and put them on at the rink. I put the covers on instead of the guards so I didn't even realized they were bent until I got on the ice.

I skated around for a little bit, my skating was off but I couldn't lay a finger on what it was. I thought I was just a little loopy today. I tried a salchow jump, and that's when it all happened. I landed then fell onto the cold ice. A sharp pain shot up my foot and through my ankle. I heard the sound of a snap and I looked down at my right skate and the blade had been split in the middle.

"What the hell?" I winced in pain. I had no idea what was going on. I tried to move my foot but the more I moved the more it hurt. My ankle hurt and I was in pure agony.

Eventually, I sat up and pulled my right ankle towards me. Untying my skates, the pain never stopped. It was a nonstop throbbing pain. I pulled down my socks and saw that it wasn't bruised or anything. It was just a little twist of an ankle or a small sprain or so I thought."

I got off the ice and slipped on my slides. I walked towards one phone in the hallway. I took another look at my skates and observed them.

"Hi mom, I might need new skates." I called my mom.

"What? Why?"

"Well, I tried one of my jumps and I know I definitely did something wrong because the one blade broke." I informed her. "The shoe itself is fine so maybe we could just get new blades."

"Oh, yeah of course. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

"Did you call your dad about Rick, yet?"

"No and it's not his problem so I will probably never talk to him about it. So yeah, i'm gonna get my rest in and all see you tomorrow, alright? Alright bug bye." I hung up immediately.

I exhaled and started to limp towards my dorm.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now