-(Angsty Chapter pog?)-

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TW: Self Harm 

Tommy POV

I must admit, I've been so much happier now. But something still tell's me....

Your not good enough

Your to skinny

Your to tall

Your to ugly

I can't make the voices go away.... 

I walk into the bathroom, trying to calm myself down. I look down at the sink to see a small razor. I think Phil uses it to cut his beard.

What if i?

I lightly slash my skin with the small blade, watching as the blood oozes out of my arm. It feel's...Good? 

I do it again, and again. Until i have small cut's all over my arm's. Shit.. i didn't really think this through.

I walk out, looking for a way to cover it all up. I go through the drawer's to see a hoodie that Phil got me. It should cover it up a bit. 

I also find some black finger-less gloves. Techno gave them to me, saying they will Look cool. 

After a put both on i get back in bed. Slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.....

*The next day at  6:30 AM*

I wake up to feel my arms aching. Oh right...

I get up and walk down the stair's to see Tubbo talking with Techno and Wil. Phil is making breakfast. 

TI: Tubbo? What are you doing here?

B: Oh, i was waiting for you. I was gonna ask if you wanna go to the park. 

TI: Uh, okay let me change though!

B: Okay, i'll be waiting outside!

I walk back up the stair's, and put on a different hoodie. I also put on some jean's. I walk back down, waving as i walk past my new family. I walk out the door, seeing Tubbo waiting for me. 

We walk to the park, creating small talk as we go. After we get there, i notice that it is completely empty.

Weird, it's never empty.... Anyway Tubbo bring's me to a large tree. It's very pretty, as i sit down i can see the sun shining brightly.

After a while of talking, Tubbo start's messing with some leaves on the ground. So i repeat the gesture.

After a while we both just kinda zone out.....

i'm running out of ideas i might just do some cute moments then end it. So yah the rest is just gonna be cute moments between the Sleepy boi's. Requests are Helpful!

The Life () Tommyinnit Adopted AU () Sleepy Bois Inc. () FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now