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The next day Victoria walks outside and saw Amy working she was so shocked that amy could do that . "Morning Victoria " she looks  and saw Jack . "Oh Morning Jack." "I see you  caught the eye of amy working " "ya I never knew she could do that " "oh yeah Amy works with a lot of horses no matter what they do . Victoria  nods . "Cool " she walks down and watched her .

"Oh hey Victoria I didnt know you were up " ya I just got up so whats this guys name?" "Will he is actually a she  . Her name is  Lightning.  She was a trick riding  horse but her owner has retired from it and asked  me to find  a new home for  her . Thing is she is a bit stubborn.  Victoria nods . "Will shes a beautiful horse " Amy smiles "ya shes tacking  a likeing to you " Victoria pets her . "I wish I knew how to to trick ride " Amy smiles "i can teach you if you want I know a few things.  "Ok thanks mom" Amy smiles "you just called  me Mom " "is that ok?" "Of course sweetie.  So what do you want to do?" "Ummmm is it ok if I read my book ?" "Ya of course "

Victoria went inside to get her book she came down and saw other kid with Georgie.  "Hi Im Adam Georgies tutor. " Victoria looks at him "hi" "whats your name?" Victoria just leaves . Adam looks at Georgie.  "Wow that was mean " "Shes shy ok " said Georgie
"Will she could of said her name  instead  of running outside " Georgie puts a hand up . "Adam dont start like you her better then she dose ok . Shes geting use to things here so give her time .
"Now we have a test to study for so let's get to work " 

(Later that  afternoon)
As Amy was working with other Victoria was in the barn with Lighting in her stall reading a book . Amy walks in the barn and saw Victoria and lightning and smiles ty came  down  from the office and Amy  shhh him "come here and points . "Oh wow how long  have they  been like this ? "Few hours I guess Lightning has tock a likeing  to her . I never seen a horse other then spartan have a bond  like this . Ty nods . "Will should we wake her ? "I will in a bit . "Hey Victoria called  me mom " Ty smiles "shes called me dad to . Victoria  yawns "hey mom hey dad " "hey kido how long you been in here ?" "Umm i dont maybe 2 hours?" Amy smiles  "want lunch?" "Ok " she gets up and walks out with them to go get lunch . Victoria saw Georgie and adam and Adam walks over . "Hi mr and miss Borden  Im Adam packer I Tudor  Georgie.  "Hi Adam what can we do for you . "I would like to offer my help to you daughter.  "Oh Adam thank you but Victoria already has one see shes home school.  Adam looks  at her "oh sorry  I didnt know . Ty nods.  "Its ok but thank you anyway.  Victoria  nods . And hides behind her mom.

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