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Amy and ty were geting stuff ready for there new Daughter Victoria who  they decided to Adopt  after what  Clint told them the story about what happen with her family.  They set up a room for her . And Amy saw the car pull up . And they went outside with there daughter  Lyndy.  "Hey you guys . "Hey clint where's Victoria?" "Shes in the car she fell asleep  .
Ummm there are a few things  you need to know . They sit down outside as they talk.  "Ok will she has a.d.d along with other things but you have to watch out for her panic attacks and anxiety attacks. But she has things  to keep her clam.  But she loves to read and do art. And horses its one of her favorite things . Amy smiles  "thats good is there any meds we need to be aware of?" She has the list in fact thats why she fell asleep  its a side effect of her medicine.  But other then that it will be ok . 
(Later that night )
Victoria was up and walking with amy and ty and Lynd . "So what you think Victoria?" Ty asked  "its amazing its so big lots of things for me to draw  and that . Amy smiles "im glad you like it " "so what do you like for dinner we were thinking  pizza  to meet the family?"  "Ummmmm ya I like that . Amy walks over to her . "Its ok we will be there every  step of the way "  Victoria nods

Victoria sits  next to ty  as everyone walks inside to the table.  Jack sits down.  "Hi Victoria im Jack and this is my wife Lisa " "hi sweetheart " she smiles.  Victoria waves and hides in tys chest.  "Sorry guys shes shy . Jack laughs a bit . "Its ok "  Amy walks in qnd gives her some pizza.   Tim walks in . "So I here theres othere member of the family.  Victoria shacks.  "Hey hey "shhhhh its ok " she clams down .  Amy looks at her dad. "Yes this is Victoria " Victoria waves tim nods . "Nice to meet ya " lou and peter  walk in with Georgie and Katie.  Ty looks at Victoria.  "Hey sweetheart this is Lou her husband peter and there daughters Georgie and Katie . Guys this is Victoria.  " Victoria starts  to feel scared.  "I need some space.  Amy nods at ty . "Ok hunny why dont you go upstairs and watch  a movie . Victoria  leaves to go upstairs.  Tim looks at amy . "What was that about?" "Victoria has panic attacks and anxiety attacks."  Said Amy Ty nods ."ya I think she just feels overwhelmed  meeting everyone.  So we just need to tack it slow  with her . Everyone nods

After dinner. 
Lou was helping Amy with dishes
"So you and Ty did it huh you adopted  Victoria " Amy nods "ya we met her at a  Horse clinic few months back . And when clint told us about what happened with her family and that me and ty made  the choice to adopt her . . Lou nods "im so happy for you guys "
"Will we are happy to and im happy for you and peter you guys are renewing your vows thats amazing.  "I know and Peter tock a job in  Hudson so its perfect and moveing into mrs Bells old house is perfect to . Amy nods . "Im glad  you made  things work . With peter . "Thanks . " just then Victoria walks in the room . "Hey is everything ok?" Amy walks over to her . "Im kinda of hungry still " lou gets some pizza out of the fridge.  And Victoria sat down.  "Hi Victoria Im lou your aunt " she smiles.  And Victoria eats . "So umm Amy tells us you like horses thats grate so does my daughter Georgie.  Ummm maybe you can ride some time . Victoria nods . "Will you wont have to feel  alone  at school your cousin will keep a eye on you . "Im not going to school  I do it online " lou was shocked.  "Oh so your home school " Victoria runs out of the room "
"Im sorry Amy I didnt mean it in a bad way . "  "its ok Lou she just needs a bit . Its been a long day for her . Lou nods

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