She smiles nervously and lifts one hand to shyly pat the side of her head and I notice that her hair is placed in a slick back ponytail with her hair gel creating a smooth wave pattern in her hair and I can't help but stare a little longer as she looks up at the ceiling in thought, crossing her arms again

She's adorable honestly.

"Are you sure you can't ask anyone else? There are a lot of other people in the class that are capable," she says right before we hear the bell ring, signaling the start of next period as she's late for her next class. She notices this and sighs.

Quickly, I tell her, "I'll write you a late pass to go to class." she nods at me in relief as I continue, "And you're right there are a lot of people in this class that are able to do it but I don't know if I trust them as much as I trust you with this task. I expect that you would do it with more academic integrity, Karma." I tilt my head and smile at her showcasing my teeth

I can tell she doesn't really want to do it but I'm prepared to sway her in any way I have to.

She starts to shift her weight on her feet and I can't help but lick my lips as she stands there biting her lip when she fixes the strap of her bag on her shoulder again.

"I can give you extra credit for every assignment you grade." I say again, "You know, as a way to thank you. I respect you way too much to have you do this for me for free, Karma." Running my hands through the front of my hair, she raises her eyebrows and nods her head once and I'm not sure if she's fully convinced, So I'll turn it up a notch.

"I'll drop two of the lowest test grades from any of the tests you complete this year, to raise your final grade." I raise my own eyebrows in question waiting for what she'll say

She jerks her head back and looks down at her shoes, placing her hand on her forehead and then taking both of her hands to pull both sides of the puff of her ponytail to tighten it.

Nodding her head to herself she looks back up at me and says, "Ok. I guess I can set aside some time to help." she looks at me shyly and I have to hold back a smile. I got her.

Hook. Line. And Sinker.

"When am I going to be helping you? Your free periods? Like this one?" During school hours?I'm not that stupid

"I'll actually need your help after school, sweetheart." I had to throw that in for extra effect, "I'm entirely too busy during my free periods."

"After school? Wow." she furrows her eyebrows staying silent for a few minutes before saying, "Ok. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you." I smile at her honestly, "I'll let you know when I want to see you." I say and she looks at me in confusion before I clarify.

"When I want to see you after school." I laugh at the look on her face a little at how scrunched up her face looked

"Ok." she stays silent staring at me. I wonder what's going through her head. I hope her thoughts are similar to the ones I'm having now. Having her here late after school, all by ourselves with no obnoxious students to interrupt. I can't-

"Um...Mr.Maddow. My late pass?" she says snapping me out of my trance and I shake my head a bit saying, "Yeah. Yeah of course." I grab a pen and the pile of passes right next to me.

When I'm done writing the pass she shyly says thank you to me and walks backward away from me accidentally bumping into the desk behind her, stumbling over a bit.

Getting up from my chair, I say, "Are you okay?" looking over her from my desk to see if she hurt the back of her leg or anything but she brushes it off

"I'm fine. That's just me being clumsy, I guess." she chuckles to herself lifting her bag that fell on the floor.

I look at her and shake my head a little as a smirk comes to my lips. Can she get any cuter?

She turns around quickly to walk to the door not before giving me a small wave, as she twists the knob to open the door but quickly stumbles back almost in shock at someone at the other side of the door.

She clears her throat and says excuse me quietly, brushing quickly past the person and I look at the door in worry wondering what had her so spooked out like that.

When she leaves, Jesse Duran walks through the door right after her and looks back, watching her as she leaves I'm guessing with his eyebrow raised before he turns his head to look at me.

I really do wonder how this boy is going to pass this class since he never shows up.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I have a late pass." he holds up the small paper between his two fingers, walking over to me and dropping it on my desk, crossing his arms as he looks at me expectantly.

"You know you're still getting detention for missing class right?"


Jonah's getting real bold now ummmm

Thanks for reading! ily!

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