But she wasn't my girlfriend, was she? We were still unlabeled. Still no strings attached. We didn't even know what we were. So why was I so nervous about her meeting my family?


The weekend came faster than I thought it would, and I met JJ outside of her apartment as she climbed into the passenger's seat, throwing her duffle into the back. I pulled away from the curb and made a u-turn, having the way home memorized by now. We fell into a comfortable silence, me quietly humming along with the showtunes that came up through my bluetooth. Someone Gets Hurt from Mean Girls started playing, and instead of humming I started singing quietly to myself. This happened to be the song I sang for my senior showcase, which was the showcase my high school put on for all the seniors in the drama club.

"I didn't know you could sing."

"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly. "I kinda dabble in it."

"You should sing more often," she grabbed my hand, bringing it up to her lips and placing a kiss on it. "Your voice is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, babe." I pulled onto the highway, squeezing JJ's hand lightly, pulling it back real quick to merge.

"So how long did you say it would take us to get to Matt's?"

"Just about an hour and a half. But if I press 80, we might be able to get there faster."

"I just want to curl up with you in my arms, watching a cheesy kids movie with the kids while I whisper sweet nothings in your ear."

"Oh you're definitely not going to get that tonight." I chuckled. "The kids have no idea I'm spending the weekend. They're going to tackle me soon as they set foot into that door. You're not going to get a moment of alone time with me for at least a day."

JJ chuckled. "I'm sure I'll find a moment with you. Preferably with your clothes off."

"Jesus Jayje, I'm driving." I bit my lip. "At least get me into bed first."

"Oh please, like you haven't imagined fucking me in the backseat of your car."

"I most definitely have, and I most definitely will, don't you worry." I linked our fingers together, sneaking a small glance at her.

"Eyes on the road, Ms. Y/L/N."

The car ride went by decently quickly, only having to slow down once when we saw a cop car hidden in the trees on the median. I pulled off of the exit I always took and turned onto Graham Park Road, driving towards Matt's place. I watched out of the corner of my eye as JJ looked around the town I spent a decent chunk of my teenage years in. I pointed out a few places I would spend time at, including the baseball diamond where I had my first kiss in eighth grade with some kid who asked me out on a dare. I turned into Matt's neighborhood, and saw JJ start to get nervous. I ran my thumb over the back of her hand, silently telling her that she was going to be fine.

"I promise, they're going to love you."

Finally making my way into Matt's driveway, I parked the car and turned it off, turning to her and bringing her in for a kiss. It lasted a bit longer than I thought it was going to, my hands holding onto her face for dear life. We both heard a knock on the window and screeched, turning to see Matt smiling at me through the window. I yanked my seatbelt off and jumped out of the car, practically catapulting myself into his arms. We both were laughing, and he picked me up off of the ground with ease. I hugged him tight, digging my head into the nook of his shoulder. It had been months since I last saw him for more than a few hours, and I was going to make the most of this weekend with him.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now