"Then don't." JJ came up to curl next to me, sliding herself in between the couch and my body. "You can come over here instead and we can watch scary movies together and make cute crafts."

"As much as I want to accept your offer, I promised Matt and his wife Kristy that I would hang out with my nieces and nephew's that weekend instead of going to the party. I told Elle I'd go shopping with her to get her to stop begging me."

"You have nieces and nephews?"

"Yeah. Matt's been married for 10 years. They have four kids." I smiled. "I love them to death." I paused. "I bet Kristy and Matt would love to meet you. Kristy always talks about how she'd love to have another female in the house to talk to that's her age."

"You really think so?"

"I can definitely ask. Here, hand me my phone."

"Wait, like, right now?" JJ bit her lip. "You're sure Matt's okay with it?"

"He's more than okay. I promise you, Matt made sure that I knew he supports us."

I grabbed my phone from JJ's hand, shooting him a text, knowing he'd answer me whenever he had a spare second. We talked a bit more about Matt and Kristy, and how they let me move in with them when our mom found out that I liked not only boys, but girls too. Matt and Kristy had known for a while since they were the first people I told, and opened the guest room in their house quicker than you could say "Can I move in with you?". The Simmons family had been the most supportive people in my life, and I was lucky to have them. I told her about how my mom dropped me off at the police station when I was two, leaving me to be put up to the system. How Matt's mom, Mi-Young, fell in love with me from the moment she saw me sitting in the little hospital bed, and how she took me home within the week after filling out everything she needed to do. How they raised me as one of their own, let me be a part of their family. Up until I came out, that is.

Matt and Kristy let me move in the day after Mi-Young kicked me out. They came over to help me pack all of my stuff up, and let me move into their spare room. It was definitely weird at first, living with my brother, but I got used to it, as did Matt and Kristy. I fell into their routine easily and became a part of their family pretty quickly. I helped a lot with the kids too, and took a lot of pressure off of Kristy as well during her pregnancy with the girls. Matt appreciated it a lot, since he was overseas most of the time with the IRT. It was surprising that he was even going to be home for Labor Day this year- but it was a surprise I knew the kids would love. Kristy and I hadn't told them yet, and we were waiting to see their reactions. We had it all planned out- we would be doing some crafts and Matt would just walk through the door, all nonchalantly. I wasn't going to lie, sometimes I missed Matt. Like, a lot. I spent so much time with him growing up that him switching to the IRT and having to be gone really fucked with me. Kristy felt the same, and ultimately it's what brought us closer together in the end.

Kristy, in a way, became my second mom, and I really appreciated her for that. She helped me with so many things that I missed out on doing with my mom, like prom pictures, graduation pictures and so much more that I wished I was able to do with Mi-Young. Of course, she made her choice to kick me out, saying some bullshit about the bible or whatever, but you'd think she'd at least come to all of that stuff, yeah? It was upsetting, looking out into the crowd during my graduation to see the seat they saved for her empty, or to see her not show up to my prom picture session I took with the kids since I went alone. Going from having a mother to her barely talking to you really sucked. It really did.

Oh my god... do I have mommy issues?

"I don't know, Y/N, do you have mommy issues?" JJ raised an eyebrow.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now