Chapter 15: Monomaniac

Start from the beginning

Or any experience, come on dumbass, stop standing still, people are staring. Get your shit together and walk.

I think we forgot how to do that.

To walk?

Seems like it.

She's losing it guys. Y/n, hey! Psst. It's one leg in front of the other.

I still don't know what are we going to tell Sebastian.

We are not telling him shit. Y/n has to do it and she forgot how to properly function. Look at all these people suddenly getting blurred.

I think we're having a panic attack. Do you hear that heartbeat increasing? We're about to die in the middle of the fucking JFK airport.

Headphones. Bring me the horizon. Antivist.

Right. I feel my blood pressure increasing and I feel I am about to suffocate in here. There are so many people and I have no idea where I am. Nothing is familiar. Nothing at all. I connect my headphones to my phone and I listen to Sykes' voice that somehow always calms me down. I go out of the airport and I focus on my breathing trying to just get a hold of myself.

There we go. Okay, now how about coffee and a cigarette?

I nod to myself seeing a coffee shop and walk inside taking a coffee to go. I search for my lighter in my pocket as I hold the cigarette between my lips and for some reason I cannot find it. Fuck me. I feel I want to cry because my drunken self really thought me coming to New York would be a fucking great idea. Now look at me, barely functioning, I should have known better. I take a few deep breaths taking the cigarette out of my mouth and I just honestly want to go back home. Couple thousand dollars going to waste for one coffee in New York City?

No, we are not going home, okay? Just fucking visit the city if you don't want to talk to Sebastian, but you did not just waste your saving for just one cup of coffee in NYC.

I see a person next to me lighting their cigarette and I smile to myself tuning towards them, asking for a lighter. Maybe we could just turn this around. I decide to take an Uber but I realize the only address I seem to know is Sebastian's. Oh, what the hell? That's why I came here, to get answers, might as well just get them. I type in Sebastian's address and I manage to finish my coffee on the way there. I thank the driver and honestly at this point I am so thankful to myself for being so attentive to Sebastian when we were on FaceTime, because I manage to enter the building with the code he was saying out loud while he was talking to me as he was entering the building. Ok, second floor. I climb the stairs being too afraid of elevators and I end up in front of the door I believe it's his. I ring the bell and I wait there like a lunatic. I start to bite my nails somehow feeling so weird being here. I should've just called him. Why didn't I call him? I should call him.

"Y/n?" I hear my name called and I lift my eyes to see a strangely familiar face. I don't quite recognize it, but I know I've seen him. "What are you doing here?" He asks confused and I reciprocate his feeling of confusion.

"Will?" I ask trying to remember if this is the actual Will, Sebastian's best friend. He takes a second looking at me and I have no idea what he's doing in Seb's apartment.

Will's POV

This morning just became interesting seeing Y/n in front of my door.
"I came to talk to- well to see, you know. Is he home?" She seems nervous and really confused to see me.

"He doesn't live here." I frown my brows trying to smile not sure why she was ringing my door if he wants to talk to Sebastian.

"What?" I can see her cheeks flushing red and I decide to take it easy on her. As much as I disagree with the idea of Sebastian dating a fan of his, I still should probably not be a jerk to this one. She seems really embarrassed right now.

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