Edogawa Ranpo x Reader - Sweet Dreams

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Y/N and Ranpo have been dating for a few months at this point, they have spent the night at one another's houses before, but this isn't how Y/N planned their next sleepover...

I ran through the streets of Yokohama, my feet bare, dirtied, and scraped, stinging from running on the cold, damp concrete as the rain poured down from the darkened sky above. The air in my lungs was cold and felt almost sharp as I continued to force myself to run to the agency in hopes HE would be there...

I ran and ran becoming out of breath and seemingly, never getting any closer to the agency. I ended up tripping over and falling into a puddle. My nightwear grew cold and wet, my knee was scraped and cut slightly from the fall. I shakily stood up as the crimson liquid travelled down my leg and down to my foot. It hurt, but I had to keep going. I inhaled sharply, not properly allowing myself the time to fully regain my breath before I shakily attempted to run. However, I was now much slower due to the pain in my knee and lungs. Though by now my whole body was aching and cold.

The thought of something being wrong with HIM, made my heart ache also. 'Surely everything must be fine.' I try to convince myself as I continued to slowly run towards the Armed Detective Agency. I noticed as I ran that the rain seemed to grow heavier, my entire body was drenched from my head to my toes. The rain was cold and stung slightly as it hit my skin but I continued onwards.

Eventually, I made it to the office, taking a moment to regain my breath, my hands on my knees, my breath ragged and uneven. The rain continued to pour, the dark clouds above Yokohama only growing darker.

I walked into the building, the building was quiet, the only noises I could hear with my pained ears was the sound of the rain hammering outside and the drips of the rain coming from my hair and clothes. I walked to the staircase, holding on tightly to the side as I walked up in order to avoid the risk of slipping as my feet were wet from running in the near torrential rain. Still; I hurried my way up to the 4th floor to the Armed Detective Agency when I heard an ear curdling scream. A scream that sounded all too familiar, followed by the sound of a smashing window.

I stood frozen for a moment, fear taking over my body from the very core. My hand shakily grasped the handle, it was somewhat warm... I shook my head from my thoughts, I quickly pushed the door forwards, it slammed open and my eyes widened, not only at the sight but the smell before my eyes...

I rushed over to the first person I saw... Dazai laying on the floor, covered in blood, his face was pale, and his breathing was extremely light. My knees become wobbly as I feel to the floor next to him, my hand shakily pulling him onto my lap, pushing hair out of his face gently. His eyes opened ever so slightly.

"Dazai..." Tears pricked at my eyes as he struggled to reply.

"Y-Y/N-" He began to cough blood. "Save...Ranpo." He weakly smiled for a moment then it went quiet once more.

He no longer had a pulse. I pushed his eyelids closed and placed him back onto the floor, tears running down my face. I too was now covered in blood. The sheer stench was enough to make me want to throw up but I need to find HIM, no matter what. I looked around the room at Atsuhsi, Kyouka, Yosano, Kunikida, Naomi, Tanizaki, Kenji everyone... everyone but the president and Ranpo. I walked to the president's office; a bloodied handprint was visible on the ajar door.

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