Christmas At The Agency - Atsushi x Reader

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(Y/N) has been part of the ADA for a month or so longer than Atsushi meaning that even she is still new. This also meant that they and Atsushi got along very well with both of them being new. While (Y/N) has experienced Christmas before with family, this will be her fist Christmas with the Armed Detective Agency along with Atsushi's first Christmas out of the orphanage, (Y/N) very clearly wants to make this Christmas special for Atsushi and the rest of the ADA too; though everyone in the ADA minus Atsushi knows (Y/N) has feelings for the weretiger. How will their first Christmas all together be? (Also a few characters aren't present as they have colds.)

My first Christmas with the agency and my first Christmas with Atsushi! I've been quite fond of Atsushi since he first come to the agency, I remember that day like it was yesterday, the fake bomb threat. Ah, the good old days. I really should tell him how I feel one day, my heart beats a million times faster whenever he's near, though he cries a lot; I can't really say there's anything I don't love about him. From his weirdly cut bangs, his angelic voice and that one black streak in his hair. Everything about him sets my heart aflutter.

"(Y/N)!" I heard that angelic voice call out to me and heard footsteps running through the snow towards me.

"Atsushi! Merry Christmas!" I smile at him. Although I meet up with him outside work Imust admit that it is somewhat strange to see him in ordinary clothing like the jeans, hoodie and scarf he has on now. "Did you bring your present for secret Santa?"

"Well...uh yeah! I just hope they like it..." He averted his eyes from mine while a red tint crossed his face... is he perhaps blushing or is it maybe getting to cold for him out here? "anyways, we should probably go up to the agency now."

He held out his hand for me to take and I stared with wide eyes for a few moments before letting out a happy giggle and taking his gloved hand in mine. Unfortunately, I decided not to wear gloves, so my hands were extremely cold. To the point my hands felt sore and my nails were changing color slightly. Though, the hand holding his warmed up quickly was we walked up the stairs to the agency.

We stood outside the door of the agency for a few moments, just staring at it before looking at one another for a few moments. My face flushed red as I realized Atsushi was still holding onto my hand and he was rather quick to let go, a red hue still showed on his perfect features. For whatever reason he seemed hesitant to open the door, and I found myself staring at his face, he seemed somewhat uneasy.

"Atsushi?" I placed my hand on his arm and he leapt high in the air, he really is uneasy. I smiled at him lightly to try and ease his uneasiness. "Let's go!" I grabbed onto his arm, opened the door and practically skipped through the now opened door into the agency, dragging Atsushi with me.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone present called out in unison as Atsushi and I came through the door.

Looking around the room, still holding onto Atsushi, my cheeks flush a light pink. My mouth drops into a slight 'o' shape and my eyes widen. The office is even more decorated than it was throughout the month, Kunikida is wearing a Santa costume along with Dazai (fake beard and all), theres a large table laid out with so many snacks and drinks and everyone had great big smiles. The atmosphere was so heartwarming I felt like I could burst in that moment. My heart felt so so full. Even though I had experienced Christmas before it never had this atmosphere and... I'm so happy Atsushi could be here with me. My lips began to tremble lightly as my eyes began to fill with tears.

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