Remember me?

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"So do you have your birth plan together?" Pain asked Joy who looked at him surprised.

"Uhm no. Honestly with everything going on I just kinda kept putting it off." Joy told him.

"Well yo doctor said that was supposed to be figured out months ago." He reminded her.

"Okay, Dad. Well, how about you tell me how comfortable you feel pushing out a baby by yourself." Joy rolled her eyes.

"Now you know damn well you not finna be by yo self." Pain smiled.

"Well at one point there was a chance I was. Maybe a few times." Joy told him.

"No matter what I'm not missing my son's birth." Pain told her helping her out of the car.

Since being around her Joy saw that he at least tried to do better even if they weren't back to their normal routine. 

Joy knew Pain and Dr. Stevens was right but she had been dealing with so much the last few weeks that she never really followed through with a plan. All she knew was she had Koi's bag packed and that they were going to head to the hospital when her water broke.

Joy had wanted to have a home birth but after watching a few videos it terrified her. It didn't help that Pain was in the hospital and then he lost his memory. She just wasn't sure with all the uncertainties around.

"Well, we both know he's coming. I'd prefer no drugs but... " She looked to Pain. "If I tell you get them please just get them." She finished with a chuckle as he nodded.

"So where are you taking me?" Pain asked as they walked.

They had gone to his first counseling session yesterday and the doctor suggested the same thing Greg had. The goal was to try to get Pain back into his routine and around familiar scenery. They all hoped this would trigger his memory. He had only been to his office once since he had been back home and he was unsure what to do so that's what initially led him to the trap in the first place. He decided he wasn't ready to go back there yet so Joy came up with another plan.

"A place we've been before." She told him tugging him into the store.

"A pregnant store?" Pain asked confused as Joy chuckled.

"No, a maternity store. And it's one of your favs." She continued chuckling.

The clerks waved at them.

"You are a damn lie." He told her as he looked around.

"I'm serious. You dead ass would not let me wear my regular clothes. You got me all these ugly maternity clothes. Tryna tell me they was 'fly'." She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his.

"You a lie. Cause I know anything I pick out drip. You was prolly tryna be all out here hiding my baby." He told her with a smile.

He glanced through the store and grabbed a few items from the racks and shelves.

"Like this." He told her showing her the clothes as she burst out laughing.

"What?" He asked her confused.

"Pain that is ugly as hell. Actually were finna leave cause I see it now. You going to try to tell me I gotta wear this." She laughed at him holding her stomach.

"Don't do me Joy." He told her as she grabbed the items and hung them back on the rack.

"I'm fa real. Don't do me. Let's go." She pulled him back out of the store.

"So you don't like the way I shop?" Pain asked her smirking.

"I never said that exactly. I just know you do the most sometimes." She smiled back as she walked with him.

Joy And Pain [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now