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the dripping rain falling onto my face and the slamming of a car door work me up. i realised i was in Jack's arms still wearing his jacket. He placed me down in my bed and tucked me in. "where are you going" i sat up before walking to the bathroom changing into a pair of sweats. "you weren't supposed to wake up and home" he replied before scratching his head. "no, stay with me" i pleaded before diverting my eyes to floor, not wanting to meet his gaze. "of course baby" he chuckled gently moving my face to meet his and giving me a soft peck on the cheek whilst hugging me from behind.

i changed into a pair of joggers and and a calvin klein sport bra. I brought Jack a pair of Will's joggers and i nuzzled up to his bare chest, caressing his toned abs with my fingers. "sleep well beautiful" he said before tightening the grip around my waist, using me as his personal teddy bear. i was hesitant to fall asleep but i did. i was scared i would wake up and it would have all been a dream.

the sun was beaming on my face as i turned around to face Jack. i watched him sleep peacefully whilst trying to comprehend how even sleeping, he looked just as attractive. He felt my gaze and huskily whispered in his morning voice "didn't you parents ever tell you it's rude to stare". I felt my cheeks heat up and i buried myself into his chest. After 20 minutes of cuddling and kissing, i finally gained the courage to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and grabbed some clothes while it heated up. "can i join" Jack smirked eyeing my stomach that i realised wasn't covered. "only if you promise to behave" i winked back watching his face glow up. He was probably shocked with my answer but of course he wasn't going to complain. Long story short, he did behave, other than pouring all the shower gel on my back and massaging me, but nothing more.

"Zachy, Soph this is erm...this is Jack" i spoke softly unsure of how they were going to react. To my surprise, they were quite civil. "Hi Jack, i'm Sophie" she said sweetly embracing him into a small hug. He nodded and returned the hug, not breaking eye contact with Zachery who also glared at Jack. "Yo" Jack broke the silence and did that boy thing where they nod at each other. Zach also nodded and said hello easing the awkward tension. "Soph we need to leave" i said giving jack a small peck. "where to babe?" he asked confused as to why i was leaving him. "model shoot in an hour, can you and Zach not kill each other while we are out" i joked.

We left the house and headed to the car. I explained everything that happened to Sophie and she thought I made the right choice letting him back into my life.

We spent around 4 hours doing shoots and Francesca Bellenttini, the CEO of Saint Laurent offered me and Sophia the front cover of vogue again. It was a huge thing for us to be on the cover again but it wasn't surprising. We had over 100million followers on our instagram and were pretty high up the social ranking. Of course we agreed and she told us the dates of when we were to fly out to London for the shoot. I took this opportunity tell Toby when i would be coming home and if him and Ruby wanted to, they could come and visit, although, i wasn't looking forward to seeing Ruby, she was gonna be pissed.

i pulled out my phone and rang Will to tell him the news. He agreed to come and i called the rest of the gang to see if they were up for a trip to London. The last person i called was Jack. "Hey, you up for London next weekend?" i asked, still happy i got offered the opportunity . "of course baby" he said sounding nearly as happy as me. I next rang my parents, who luckily were pretty fine with it. They even said we could all stay in our house at London as long as we didn't break anything.

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