it meant nothing

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During practice, Amelia and cheerleaders came up to us and asked us what our 'deal' was with the football team. We told them we were all friends and that Shaya and Caitlin were in relationships. She asked if me and Jack had anything going on and I replied with "nope" popping the P. She flicked her hair and walked over to Jack and started making out with him.

Practice had finished and i jumped on Will's back. "We need one of our chats Wills" i whispered.
"Are you ok Bronx?" he asked.
"yeah just need to talk to you" i laughed as he pushed me of his back. I was falling back onto the floor until Jack caught me in his arms and pushed me onto the floor again.

"JACK IM GONNA KILL YOU" i yelled chasing after him
"NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST" he shouted back before tripping over Will's shoe. This caused me to fall on top of him creating a massive pile on, involving me getting crushed but the entire football team. My face was inches from jacks as he smirked before tickling me and sliding out from under me leaving me stuck under a team of sweaty footballers.
"bye babe" he winked and flashed me a toothy grin
"Will help me out" i groaned as he pulled me out from beneath the pile.

Will and i got home and i explained the whole situation with Amelia and how she's constantly irritating the girls during practice and then kisses jack to try and piss us off. We chat for a couple hours about Amelia and how Marissa likes Will and he likes Marissa.

I answered the door, expecting it to be pizza, but to my surprise Jack walked through the door with the cute pizza dude stood behind him. I paid the delivery man and took the box from him. "I-sorry could i have your snapchat?" he asked before i shut the door.
"Wow, i'm flattered, of course" i said grabbing the pen from his top pocket and writing it on his hand. "have a good night" i said waving as locked the door.

"what was that all about" Jack mumbled
"he just wanted my snap" i said sliding between him and my brother who had already started on the pizza. we sat and talked for awhile all of us. Will went to the bathroom leaving just me and Jack. "see you managed to escaped the pile on" he smirked.
"Yeah, see you managed to escape seeing Amelia tonight" i smirked back .
"Oh Brooklyn, your jealous" he whispered
"Says the one getting salty over the cute pizza dude" i raised my brow at him.
"we should stop, i'm enjoying this too much" he said taking a step closer standing between my legs that were spread open slightly on the kitchen counter. I pushed him back "i'm not that easy J" i whispered.
"for the record, Amelia's kiss meant nothing". he whispered.

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