Chapter 44 - And you know I am not joking

Start from the beginning

"Oh thank Merlin I thought you had left already." I looked up to see Ellie in the doorway, slightly frazzled-looking.

"I'll be waiting downstairs, mum said. She smiled at Ellie and then left the room.

"Almost", I said, pointing at the bag in the corner.

"Not without saying goodbye, I hope", she said, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. It was cute when she acted so bossy. I used to think it was annoying, how times had changed.

"Do we really have to do this?" I sighed. I hated goodbyes.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, I would have cut off your ballsack if you had left here without telling me", she threatened, walking up to me and pushing her finger in my chest. "And you know I am not joking."

I laughed at her threats. She wasn't all that intimidating once you really got to know her.

"Well then, here is your goodbye", I sighed and pulled her into a hug. I felt myself calm down as she wrapped her arms around me too. The remainder of the summer would be a whole lot less calming.

"Bellatrix expected that the Dark Lord would like to meet you at one point", I sighed, breaking the hug. She simply nodded, not moving a muscle.

"I'll be ready", she smiled. "I know what to do."

"I know you do", I said, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. She was strong, way stronger than the other losers in our year. If someone could convince a whole pack of Death Eaters that she was just as driven as them, it was Eleanor Selwyn. And I knew that if enough time passed, she'd take on those beliefs too. I just hoped she would never lose that happiness that I had seen over the summer.

"So, I'll probably see you soon, but let's not get our hopes up. Talk to you in one and a half months? On the Hogwarts Express?" I said.

"Yes", she said, taking a deep breath. "I'll see you in the train."

I pushed some hair out of her face, gently stroking her porcelain skin. She was really, really beautiful. Why hadn't I noticed that before this year?

I pulled her closer, gently placing my lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer, so I slid my hands to her waist, doing the same. It fitted like two pieces of a puzzle.

"I'll see you soon", I whispered, pressing a last kiss on her forehead before pulling away. This was it.

We walked downstairs, where my mother was waiting for me. I sprayed on a little more cologne, because I knew aunt Bellatrix would catch Ellie's scent. I grabbed my bag and stepped into the fireplace with a handful of floo powder.

"Thank you for letting us stay, we'll be in touch", mum said, before joining me. I looked at Ellie one last time. She was sporting her usual Selwyn-face, trying to act all tough. She'd have to be for quite a while.

"Malfoy Manor", I said and threw the floo powder. Green flames enveloped me as I closed my eyes.

Bye Ellie.

When I opened my eyes, I was back at my house, the tall black walls greeting me with a certain coldness that made my mood drop.

"Ah, they're back", Bellatrix chimed from the other side of the room. I was about to question what she was doing here, as she usually wasn't around much, but I soon got my answer as the Dark Lord entered the hall too. The temperature seemed to drop dramatically.

I hadn't told Ellie why I needed to go back today because I didn't want to worry her, but there definitely was a reason. Tonight it would happen, I would become one of them. And I wasn't in the right mindset yet.

Being with Ellie had been fun, great even, but it had distracted me from the larger cause at hand. I was going to become a Death Eater tonight and I had a task to fulfill. I'd miss her presence, but I needed time without her right now. I couldn't fail, it wasn't an option. I needed to focus.

I'd succeed. I didn't know how yet, but I would succeed and then I'd be rewarded. My father would get broken out of Azkaban, as well as Ellie's father. I'd be more than just the sixteen-year-old son of Lucius Malfoy. I'd obtain respect of my own.

"Ah Draco, at last", he sighed, not looking me in the eyes. He closed the curtains that were letting a lot of sunlight in with a simple swish of his hand. Although he terrified me, I couldn't help but admire him a little bit. He was a powerful wizard, there was no denying that.

"You spent time with the Selwyn's, correct?" he continues.

"Yes, my Lord", I said, stepping out of the fireplace.

"They haven't been around yet, we should invite them over. I'd like to keep my friends close", he said, striding further into the room, his gaze fixated on the paintings on the wall. I cursed internally. He should just leave her alone. "Bellatrix, get it in order."

I desperately just wanted to go to my room, but I didn't dare to move a muscle whilst Lord Voldemort was addressing me.

"How old is she, Bellatrix, the girl you talked about?"

"She's Draco's age, my Lord." I wanted to say something, to tell them that she was only fifteen, but I couldn't. I couldn't show any signs that I cared about her. The Dark Lord didn't reply and kept staring at the paintings on the wall.

"Good", he simply said and with that, he left the room. But I didn't release the breath I was holding until I was back in my room, where I felt somewhat safe. It'd happen tonight and I had to make sure that I was ready for it.

I had to make sure that the mark wouldn't resist me.

Fire & Ice - A Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now