"you are a bitch! You are a rogue! I hate you!"

"tell me something new, darling."

"just. Fucking. Get. Out. Now." she growled again. I felt her presence come near me.

Just when I felt her hands near my face I opened my eyes and grabbed it and added a big amount of pressure. She started screaming in pain. But I didn't let go. I only added more pressure.

"never underestimate me, fakey bitch." I said in a calm voice twisting her wrist more. She started screaming even louder.

Suddenly the room door burst open and Darius stormed in. His eyes visibly widening when he saw the state of the barbie doll.

"let her go." he said to me.

I let her go.

She tried to hurry away from me but I grabbed her wrist again making her yelp in fear. I tugged her towards me and said, "like I said before never underestimate me ever again. Because next time there might not be your alpha fo save you from me. And don't forget this. I. Will. Make. You. Regret. Being. Born. That's if there's a repeat."

"And a piece of advice. Please wear some appropriate clothing. And less makeup. It makes you look so cheap. Oh. I forgot it, you are already cheap." I added.

I pushed her towards Darius making him catch her. But she pushed him away before hurried out of the room trembling in fear.

"watch your way with my pack members." he snarled at me. But his eyes said otherwise. I could clearly see that he is slightly pleased with what I did to her.

"teach them some respect then." I snarled back.

"you are a rogue. Rogues don't deserve respect!" he yelled.

"well believe whatever you want to believe! I don't give a shit! But I will not be underestimated. Ever." I growled at him.

"don't growl at me!" his eyes flashed with anger.

"and why not?" I challenged.

"because I'm an alpha!"

"well I have done worse things than this to other alphas. You are damn lucky." I shrugged.

"well I'm the king!".

"does it look like I give a shit about it?"

"why are you being so difficult and stubborn?!"

"because they are my middle names maybe? Difficult and Stubborn."

"stop it!"

"stop what?"

"stop doing that!"

"and what is that?" I said emphasising 'that'.

"stop talking back to me!"

"well you can stop being so annoying and as if you are a god I have to bow down to!"

"I'm the king."

"I bet even a monkey can make a better king than you."

"I bet even an ant can act a better rogue than you."

"I bet a bee can be a better king than you."

"stop talking back to me! You are annoying!"

"well then get out of my room."

"my house."

"still my room."

"my pack."

"still my room."

"even this room belongs to me. You won't be here in this room if it weren't for me. So I can enter and leave without permission."

"so does that mean you go around walking into your pack members rooms without permission even if they are naked?" I asked smirking when his face expression turned to a horrified look.

"I don't do that!"

"just get out, asspha!" I sighed.

"asspha?" he raised an eyebrow. "yes. Ass alpha; Asspha as in ass plus alpha." I shrugged.

"you are unbelievable." he shook his head. "congratulations for figuring it out about me, Asspha. Now will you please get the hell out of here?" I gave him a sweet smile.

He growled before storming out of the room. "you are too stubborn for your own good.". "thank you for saying that." I yelled back. Ha!

'seems like you are still the same when it comes to play with Alphas. My my. Your tongue is gonna bring you so much trouble.' Mara tsked.

'oh Mara! As if you aren't like me.' I replied.

'ha! At least I'm better than that!' she said.

'that's because you are more bitchy. Nuh-uh. A complete bitch.' I commented.

'as if you aren't.'

'I won't call it a complete bitch. But I like the sound of being a bitchy. And... immature. Reckless. And... annoying.' I smirked.

'that's kinda true. You can be really annoying sometimes.' Eden joined the conversation.

'wonder who I got that from. Must be a very annoying wolf.' I muttered making Eden huff. 'whatever.'

'aww you are so cute.' I teased. Faintly I heard Elvina chuckle. Involuntarily a smile made its way to my lips. Elvina isn't one to laugh at just anything.


How's this chap?

Love 😍

Shai 🥀

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