"Please help," Elize begged weakly.

'The answer is within you, child. Believe in yourself.' The woman said, in a musical tone.

"But my wish, it's not coming true."

The spirit chuckled. It was a weird sound to her ears, like the sound of wind chimes on a windy day. The woman leaned forward, stopping inches from her face.

She whispered, 'Words matter, child. Where are your words?'

"But I thought-" Elize stopped the sentence midway seeing the woman smile as if she was pitying her. "I guess I don't know how." She said, admitting her lack of understanding of her own powers.

The woman winked at her. 'Fine. I'll help you this one time,' she said as she placed a hand on Elize's chest.

Elize felt a warmth spreading inside her body. Magic traveled through her body, momentarily letting her see through the blur. Elize saw Alex's gray wolf biting and clawing at the brown wolf that she knew was Zack. Zack was trying his best to dodge the blows, but not fighting back. His smooth fur was now matted in places with blood- places identical to her own wounds. She knew what it meant. Alex probably didn't realize it yet.

She had to stop him before it was too late, Elize thought. This time, her lips moved on their own.

"Open a way to his heart. Let him hear my plea." She whispered.

Just like that, the spell was complete. Her first spell.

Elize felt something leave her body, draining her of her last bit of energy.

"Please work." She whispered before her vision blacked out completely.
Elize groaned as she felt around for a pillow on her bed. She opened her eyes grudgingly, not finding it in its usual place. Her hands were gliding all too smoothly on the surface. Black silk covered the surface on which she was lying down.

"When did I buy black silk sheets?" She said to herself sleepily.

She sat up on the bed, searching her surrounding. The room was completely dark, except for the moonlight that was streaming in through the curtained huge window on her right. The light-colored walls and the lack of furniture helped jog back her memory. She knew that she was back where it all started.

Fully conscious, Elize slid off from the bed onto the wooden floors, which felt cold to her naked feet. She walked towards the full-sized mirror on the side of the huge wooden paneled door. A pale version of herself stared back at Elize.

She was standing in a dark blue night suit that reached only midway to her thighs. Elize ran her hands over the silky material of her dress. Intricate black lace covered her shoulders, holding the dress upon her body. Her hair was brushed and left loose, falling gracefully on her back.

"Somebody changed my clothes!" She screamed, pointing at her reflection in the mirror.

The door burst open, suddenly revealing Zack with a worried expression on his face. Elize looked in shock at her mate.

"What happened?!" Zack asked, walking towards her.

"You!!" Elize thundered, pointing her finger towards him.

Zack stopped abruptly, a confused look taking over his expressions.

"Did you change my clothes?!" Elize asked, walking toward her mate.

"Uhh, I can explain-" Zack stuttered, walking backward, his eyes looking at Elize warily.

"Yes or no?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

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