The Prophecy

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Far away on a land

Hidden by magic potent

A wolf gave birth to a witch

A witch who was part wolf

A witch who lost her home

A wolf without a pack

Deep magic from within

Will protect the Island hidden

Hear ye my little wolf

One day you'll remember me

Sleep now my little child

You will rise on a full moon's day

*CRASH* The sound of shattering glass woke Elize up.

"Go away."Elize moaned with her eyes closed.

"Oh, you're awake!" Chirped an unfamiliar voice.

Elize opened her eyes groggily and sat up. She was back at Aileen's place. But this time she was on a couch with half a dozen faces peering down at her.

"Uhh? Why aren't you all gone yet?" She asked confused.

Normally the people in her visions disappeared when the pain stopped.

There were women of all ages and sizes, with the oldest sitting on the edge of the couch Elize was sitting on, crouching low with a stick in her hand and chewing something. The youngest appeared to be around six and was climbing up the kitchen cupboard and throwing down its contents one by one. Another glassware broke as it slipped the child's hand and hit the floor.

A few of the women scoffed at her comment. The others laughed and went about busying around the house. One particular woman with straight blond hair flowing all the way down to her behind walked up to Elize with a smile.

"Hello there. You must be Elize." She said with a high pitched

Another glassware hit the floor and shattered. Elize jumped a bit. Who are these people and why is there a kid on top of the cupboard?

The woman chuckled. "Don't mind Pheobe. She'll mend it once it's all broken."

"Huh?" Elize asked, her attention once again focused on the woman standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Agatha." The woman said placing her right hand on her chest and bending slightly.

"Do I know you?" Elize asked looking around the place, "And who are all these people? Why isn't anyone stopping the child?"

The woman called Agatha smiled.

"Don't worry about Pheobe, she's a witch and so is everyone in this house." She explained.

Realization dawned on Elize when she remembered the fire message Aileen left for her before leaving.

"Ohh...Hi then. You must be here for the ceremony." Elize said, smiling awkwardly at the eerily beautiful woman standing in front of her. She didn't look a day above twenty-two.

Agatha beamed at her and sat down next to her on the couch. Great. Now Elize was stuck between a very old witch and a very enthusiastic one.

"Yes! I'm from the coven in New Orleans." Agatha said excitedly, leaning back on the couch.

"I'm new to the coven thing. I don't have one of my own."Elize shrugged as she replied.

"Oh, it's okay honey. Some of us are created for higher purposes." She winked at Elize.

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