No spells required

Start from the beginning

"Please be a dear and fold it for me," Elize said, slowly getting up. She inched towards the door, keeping eye contact with her friend.

"No. You come back right here!" Agatha said, stepping forward.

"Catch me if you can!"

Elize ran out of the room with Agatha following her around the house. They reached the front door of the house when it was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

"We playing cat and mouse?" Irina asked, showing her widest grin.

Elize ran to the red-haired witch and hugged her. She hadn't seen her for an entire day, unlike Agatha who sneaked into the house every two hours.

"Haha. It's nice to see you too, kiddo. Do you feel fine now?" Irina asked, holding Elize apart to take a good look at her.
Elize nodded her head happily.

"Well, she's more than fine now. The brat is making me do her laundry, and now she wants me to fold her clothes." Agatha said, folding her hands on her chest.

Irina chuckled. "Let's get it done then." She said, stepping inside the house and bolting the door behind her.

Elize stuck out her tongue at Agatha. She watched as her friend tie her hair in a ponytail and smile an evil smile. She knew that Agatha was not going to play fair.

"Irina," Elize called out to the older witch who now was inside the kitchen.

"Lapsus." She heard Agatha whisper the spell before she could react. Elize closed her eyes and braced for the impact, understanding the spell.


"Oh gosh, Agatha!" She heard Irina scream.

Elize opened her eyes and looked at herself. Nothing. She was in the same position she stood before she heard the spell. Elize then looked in front of her on the floor. Agatha was lying down on the floor, with a hand on her behind, howling in pain. She rushed to her friend. What just happened? She thought.

"What happened?" Irina asked, sitting next to Agatha on the floor.

"I pulled a spell on Elize, and it deflected back at me," Agatha said, still lying down.

"But Elize doesn't know spells. How could it reflect back?" Irina asked, looking at Elize with a questioning look.
Elize shrugged.

"I have no clue as well." She replied.

She bent down next to Agatha and placed a hand on her shoulder. She felt bad for Agatha. The girl was just trying to pull a prank. Poor thing, Elize thought. She wished that her friend wasn't in pain anymore.

"I'm sorry," Elize said.

Just as she did, a warmth spread from her chest to her hands. Bolts of blue light that looked like electricity seeped in from her hands to Agatha's body. Elize stared at the phenomenon with awe. She heard both her friends gasp in surprise.

"It's gone," Agatha whispered under her breath, too stunned to speak aloud.

Just then, the sparks stopped. Elize retracted her hand and stared at it like she was seeing it for the first time.

"How did you do that?" Agatha asked, slowly sitting up. Her eyes grew bigin wonder.

"I. Don't. Know." Elize said, looking at her friends.

"You healed her!" Irina exclaimed.

"Without a spell!" Agatha added.

Elize looked at her hands again and drew deep breaths. She was overwhelmed by what just happened. She feared for the worst.

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