The unexpected turn

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Alex asked leaning against Zack's Range Rover.

"Let's go now before anyone notices us," Zack whispered leaning in.

"Why are we whispering? And go where?" Alex asked in a hushed tone.

"The other side of the Island. I need to go somewhere and I'll drop you off at Aileen's."

Alex looked at his friend suspiciously.

Zack sighed. "Okay fine long story short- I found my mate and she's expecting me. So I need to get out of here before grandfather's men spot me. Also, you don't know the way to Aileen's place."

"Wait I thought you were getting married to someone." Alex looked at his friend shocked.

"Not if I have a say in it. Now get inside!" Zack said pushing Alex inside the Rover.
The moon was shining a bright orange when Alex turned the corner to Aileen's house. Zack had left him three hours back, giving him instructions to follow the straight path.
He was about to give up on the vehicle and shift into his wolf for a better sense of direction when he heard noises from up ahead. Thank heavens that he decided to follow it, Alex thought as he parked the vehicle in front of the huge house.

He got out of the Rover and walked towards the house which seemed to be empty. His wolf senses were on high alert, suddenly getting a whiff of the same sweet smell again. His mouth watered at the thought of something that he couldn't place. His wolf stirred from inside, poking at his mind to let it out.

"Hey! You there!" a shrill voice called from behind him.

Alex turned around to see a pretty blonde girl in a red dress. She held an oddly shaped utensil in her hand and he could see some sort of liquid inside it.

"Are you Alex?!" She squealed running to him.

"Uhh..yeah. And you are?" Alex asked stepping back.

"I'm Agatha, Elize's friend." The girl said beaming.

"So where is everyone? I thought we were having a party tonight?" Alex asked, looking at the empty house.

"Ooh yeah! The ceremony is about to start. You better come soon if you don't want to miss it." The girl called Agatha said walking towards a tall hedge.

Alex was confused for a while as to why she was walking towards a tall bush but he decided to follow her since he had no other option.

"Ready?" She asked turning to him.

"For what?" Alex asked, cocking his head.

"Fateor Visum" She whispered.

The hedge suddenly started dissolving from the edges, revealing a pathway lit by what seemed to be floating fireballs. Alex drew a sharp breath in.

"H-How?" Alex asked turning to the girl next to him. Then he shook his head as he realized that what he witnessed was magic.

"You can go inside and look around although I'd advise you to be quick about it since the ceremony is-" She paused and looked at the moon, then back at him and continued, "starting now. I'll see you later then!"

"Wait. Take me-"

The witch disappeared suddenly, murmuring something under her breath again.

"Fine," Alex said, stepping inside what seemed to be a pillared garden.

As soon as he stepped inside, the house disappeared from behind him while the scent that drew him grew stronger. His wolf was pacing inside his head restlessly. Alex walked ahead, trying to trace the origin of the scent.

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