The chain that bound the wolf

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"I don't know why you're whispering."

"Because-" Agatha drew a sharp breath in, while looking beyond Elize "Oh, great."

Elize turned around to where her friend's vision landed. The corridor had led them to a large open space, at the end of which laid an unconscious Zack. She finally found her mate!
Elize was suddenly dragged back a step by Agatha.

"What was that for?!" She hissed at the older witch.

"Look! Don't you see the wraith beside him?!" Agatha pointed at the area above Zack's body.

Elize looked. She couldn't see anything. She was irritated with Agatha trying to prank her in the middle of all this. She turned to Agatha, glaring at her.

"Can you stop with this nonsense?! I don't have time for this now!" Elize hissed between gritted teeth.

Agatha rolled her eyes. She placed her hands on Elize's head and whispered "Fateor Visum."

She then turned Elize back towards Zack and pointed at the same spot again.

Elize drew a sharp breath in. She could see it now. A dark presence was floating right above Zack. It held a translucent chain glowing red, that extended all the way down to Zack, binding his limbs with it.

"What is that?!" She whispered to Agatha, clearly shocked.

"The wraith is a demon that guards prisoners." Pointing to the chain which bound Zack, Agatha continued, "The chain is tied to your mate's soul. If you go near him the wraith will consume your soul, turning you into a wraith. The only way to get him out is to find the spell to undo it."

"So undo it then! What are you waiting for?" Elize prodded.

"I can't. Besides, the wraith won't harm your mate or let anyone harm him. He's the safest prisoner right now."

"What do you mean you can't?! I need to get him out of there. I can't see him like this." Elize said.

"We need the binding spell."

"I hope by heavens that you know the spell, Agatha. I'll distract it, while you free him." Elize didn't want to waste any more time. Every second spent thinking was another second that her mate was lying next to that creature.

Agatha sighed. "It's not that easy Elize we need-"

Before she could finish that sentence, Elize turned around and ran towards Zack.

The wraith shrieked in rage the moment it spotted her. She could see the creature flying towards her with its mouth wide open, darkness traveling with it enveloping every space it went through. Although she felt the tendons of fears gripping her limbs, Elize knew that she couldn't back down. Saving Zack was the only thing that mattered at the moment. If in the process she died, she'd die trying.

Elize heard Agatha scream behind her as the creature drew close to her. As she kept going she heard her friend chanting something in Latin desperately. She hoped that whatever it was would work. Elize reached the middle of the dark hall when she felt darkness descending down on her.

She looked up to see the wraith's face inches from her own.
Fear gripped her. Elize closed her eyes shut and raised her hand to shield herself from it.

"Chosen one." A deep voice boomed through the hall.
Elize slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.

The wraith bowed low in front of her as she stood there stunned.

"Uhhh..." Elize turned back to where Agatha stood slowly, all blood drained from her face. To her utter dismay, Agatha along with the stairway was gone. In its place was a wall of darkness, sucking in every bit of light into it.

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