In a stranger's room

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The light grew bit by bit to envelop them.

Suddenly a big steel spoon struck Elize on her head.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed.

"Witch!" The sound came from across the corridor.

The grandma was awake. Shit! She could see the old woman armed with more utensils, ready to hurl it at her.

"This is bad" Elize whispered to herself.

She could see a plate flying straight at her. Then it all went blank. The last thing she felt was falling.

It felt wet. Someone was sprinkling water on her.

Elize shielded her face from the disturbance. She slowly opened her eyes. A pair of brown eyes looked down at her. She could hear a lot of people murmuring around her. She rubbed her eyes and focused on the person who was standing over her. It was a boy of a very slim build and dark skin. He must be at least four years younger than her. Elize thought to herself.

He smiled at her and offered her his hands as she strained to get up. Ignoring the little kid, Elize sat up and looked around. She was on what seemed like a beach and there was a bunch of men and kids standing around her with no shirts on and holding torches. They were all looking at her weirdly.

"She's awake!" She heard someone shout.

"Where am I?" She asked.

No answer. The crowd kept staring.

Where did she land up? And where was Alex? She thought nervously.

"My brother? Alex?" She prodded.

Still no answer. Who are these people?!

She started to get up, slowly balancing herself. Whoah! She was quite weak and groggy. She swayed around left and right until finally, the ground gave away. She braced herself for the impact. But it didn't occur.

Halfway through her fall, strong arms caught her and lifted her. She struggled to open her eyes. Through the least minimally opened eyes, she managed to catch a glimpse of a painfully sharp jawline.

"Alex," She murmured before she passed out in the arms of a stranger.
When she woke up again, it was morning. The sun shone through the windows straight onto her face. Elize slowly got up, holding her head in her hands. Her head was throbbing. She found herself sitting on someone's king-sized bed. She looked around.

The room was massive if anything. Creme paint covered the four walls of the room which connected to a teak wood ceiling. The wall on the right side of the bed had a huge window, taking up half it's space, covered in white dreamy curtains. It must have been left open since the wind was softly making the curtains dance. Now and then the curtains parted, pushed by the wind. She could see the tall trees outside swaying ever so slightly during those short moments. The wall adjacent to it had a big two paneled wooden door. Judging from another door close to the bed, she doubted either was a way out.

To her right, was a study table also made of teak, complemented by a matching chair with white silk cushions, similar to the bed covers. Apart from the bed, that was all the furniture the minimalist huge room held. Where was she again? Elize pinched herself, hoping that this was a dream.

"But how did I-"

Memory flooded back to her head. She. Passed. Out. In. The. Arms. Of. A. Stranger.

She got up from the bed. Where did her shoes go? She looked down at her naked feet on the wooden floor. She looked down the window. The room was easily three stories up. Walking ahead, she caught her reflection on a large mirror. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were wrinkled as well as sandy, and she had huge dark circles under her eyes. She looked like a gray-eyed panda. As she shook her head and walked towards the double paneled doors, she could hear people arguing from the other side.

Shock turned into fear. She needed to get out of here. Heaven knows what kind of people held her hostage. She reeled back at the memory of the numerous half-naked men staring at her while crowding around her.

She rubbed down her body- feeling around if all her articles of clothing were intact as if the visual confirmation was not enough.

As she drew closer to the door, she could hear two men bickering, "I swear if you lay a finger-"

Deep breath. Elize repeated to herself as she pushed the door open.
Two heads whipped towards her direction from the corridor to which the door opened. The conversation between them seemed to have died down with her presence.

One of the two tall men stepped towards her. An animalistic growl emanated from his body. Elize narrowed her eyes and was about to say something when she noticed it. Those eyes. Those same blue eyes!

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