He stopped at a cliff when he sensed the object of his attraction nearing him. He looked below the road that wound around the hill. A car was speeding towards a blind turn. The driver couldn't have noticed the truck coming straight towards them. He knew that whatever he yearned for was in the car. He needed to reach it before the inevitable.

Without thinking for another second, he jumped down the cliff straight on to the car. He thrust the door open and yanked something right out of the car just before it crashed with the truck.
He held it close to his body and jumped a safe distance to watch the horror unfurling right in front of him. He could hear it- a scream so wretched, a cry for help that tore his heart apart. He felt helpless as he looked down upon what he held in his arms.

It was a little girl. Her black hair shone blue in the moonlight. Her tanned hands were digging into his fur in her exasperation.
He knew that if he let go, she would run towards the car without thinking twice. He had a strange urge to protect her. His heart was beating fast as he turned her around to face him.

This was it. He knew with every fiber of his body. His mate. He found her! He was overwhelmed with joy! This feeling of pure bliss at someone's presence. This must be what it means to have a mate.
He looked at his object of affection. The little kid seemed to be scared of him. He wanted to reassure her. To look into her gray little eyes and tell her that he will protect her against the whole world.
But as he watched, fear turned to horror on her face and she started edging away from him. A small whimper escaped her lips.

He had only one way to make her stay where she was.

'Sit!!' He forced the command onto her mind.

She seemed to shiver from his voice. But she obliged - all the while shivering.

'Good girl. I want you to listen carefully. Help will be here soon. You have to sit here till they come. Don't move.'

She seemed to not have any problems. She nodded. Poor thing, she was scared. Zack knew. She must be only human and there were no packs on this side of the world. She was his to protect. Until she is of age he'll protect her. The pull towards the kid was too strong for Zack. He slowly walked towards her. The little thing closed her eyes out of fear. He felt desperate. As if by instinct, he licked the little girl's face. He will protect her, he thought.

He could hear the ambulance blaring behind him. He knew she was safe. At the same time, he picked up a familiar scent. He had to hide!!! He dashed into the woods and ran as fast as he could. He could hear someone calming the kid down. Most probably her father, he assumed.

He wandered around for a while until he finally found her house. It was easy for him. She was his mate. He could follow her scent to the ends of the world.

Someone was beside her on her bed- a boy. His back was turned towards the window so Zack couldn't get a good view. But something told him that it was a very familiar back. He looked around the house, sniffing for what exactly felt wrong. He knew that in this form he'd be able to reach her room easily. He has to see her. The urge was too strong to resist. He managed to climb over the balcony to her room in his wolf form and by then, the girl was all alone. The kid seemed to be fast asleep. Poor thing was whimpering even in sleep. He wanted to get a closer look.

He jumped into her room.


'Shit!' He should learn to land with much less noise, Zack thought.
It seemed to have done the job. The kid was up and looking around startled.

"Alex!" She called out.

Dread filled his mind. What?! Alex?! No, it can't be. Of course, it can't be his Alex! He wanted to get out. Too late. She spotted him.

He carefully spaced his steps very slowly to not startle her. He needed to be close to her. Yes, that's exactly what he needed- he thought. As he went closer her face registered a look mixed with awe and fear.

Of course. She was a kid. She wouldn't feel the mate pull until she was older. He had to keep that in mind. Although the kid might feel weirdly drawn to the wolf, she could easily be scared too. She was innocent. He had to be careful. As if to ease his worries, she extended her hands and rubbed the fur on his head. That felt good. It felt nice to be petted like that. Zack purred to his surprise. He smiled inside.

That's when it hit him. His best friend's scent. It was coming off of her. Was the boy who sat with her a while ago his Alex?!
Shocked, Zack pulled back from her suddenly. It seemed to have startled the little kid. This little kid was his best friend's little sister. No!

'This can't be! I can't drag my best friend's little sister into the world of wolves! I can't do this to him!!!'

Zack felt overwhelmed for a moment.

Meanwhile, he could hear the little girl calling for her brother. Louder and louder each time. He had to make a decision. There was nothing to think about.

With a heavy heart Zack boomed into her mind- 'I Zachariah Ze'ev reject you Elize as my mate! Never will I come before you again!'

As soon as he said these words, pain shot up his legs to his heart. He had to get away! He had to get away from her! He can't let her see him in pain!

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