PART 1: Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung heard the doorbell rings. She immediately runs off forgetting it is impossible to be Momo, since Momo has her own key and they were living together.

She opens it expectedly, but faded quickly when she saw that instead of Momo, it is Momo's Mom.

"G-Good Afternoon Mrs. Hirai." Chaeyoung respectfully greeted, bowing to her and stepping back aside to give Momo's Mom a way inside.

"Momo?" Momo's Mom asked as she was walking inside with Chaeyoung following behind.

"S-She's out."

Chaeyoung didn't need to say some details. Momo's mom probably knows why Momo is outside. Because today is Sana's birthday.

"How about her room?"

"I-" Chaeyoung stops as the door on the entrance opened revealing Momo who was entering now inside.

Momo gave a little glance to both of them but then ignored to greet them.

"Did you touch my things when I was out?" Momo asked as she walking fast towards her room.


"Good." Momo said before shutting down her door, leaving her and her Mom together.

Chaeyoung was just awkwardly standing there, didn't know what to do. She then walks towards Momo's door.

"Momo Unnie. Y-Your mom came here just for you, at least say hi to her." She tries but Chaeyoung got no response from her.

"It's okay." Momo's Mom said, already walking towards the kitchen.

Momo's Mom always visit their apartment twice a month just to store food and check on Momo by Chaeyoung.

"Her room again?" Momo's mom asked trying to have a conversation on Chaeyoung.

"I already cleaned it." Chaeyoung said, observing Momo's mom storing the food on the ref.

"How about hire someone to clean it? You know, it must be hard for you."

"Uhm..." Chaeyoung didn't know if she should say it but-

"I did it before but Momo got mad after that. It was because Sana's things in her room got moved. So, I think I'm the only one who can clean her room since I know what to touch or not. And Momo's room is not that messy so it's okay for me, Mrs. Hirai."

Momo's mom then nodded on her, smiling weakly like she was saying thank you but sorry at the same time.

"Text me when Momo needs some food again. At least now she's eating. She improved so much." She can see Momo's mom looking so pleased seeing some of the food she brought before is almost done.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Momo's Mom added already getting ready to leave.

Chaeyoung nodded on her. And then escort her outside their apartment bidding their goodbyes.


Chaeyoung was eating her lunch, as usual, alone.

But she was startled when Momo's room opened. Chaeyoung was staring at Momo like she was like some ghost who suddenly became alive.

Chaeyoung cough when she finally got a hold to breathe.

"W-Where are you going?" Chaeyoung finally asked as she saw Momo looking for her car keys.

Momo then looks at her. They were staring for a long time. Chaeyoung saw Momo blinking like she was thinking if she should answer her.

"I'm your bestfriend." Chaeyoung need to say it, so Momo will got no choice.

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