"Do you know why you did that? Even though you knew she had someone she liked."

I tried to remember why I bought them. "..Her hair was orange and so were the flowers. I thought she'd like them."

"Was it romantic feelings that pushed you to buy them?"

"I guess."

"And you only knew her for a month, correct? And before that, you confessed when she didn't even know you?"


"What happened after you didn't give her the flowers? Was any other contact made?"

"No." I pulled out another thread from my jeans. "We never talked again and I haven't seen her since graduation."

"Did you make any attempts to see her?"

"No, I didn't like her anymore."

"How come?"

Pulling out another strand, "My sister asked how I would feel if some guy kept bothering her even when she told them to stop." I paused. "And she didn't like me so there was no reason to try and talk to her again."

"Alright." She nodded and wrote something else down. "Moving onto college, you were only at your other university for two months but you still met a girl that you liked."

"She liked me."

Penelope finally looked away from her notebook to meet my gaze. "Did you return her feelings?"

I looked towards the clock and mentally sighed when I saw we still had forty minutes left. "I thought I did, I guess. I don't know."

"You thought? Can you elaborate on that?"

"No." I mumbled softly.

"Alright." She nodded, perfectly fine with the rejection. "She liked you and she was older, wasn't she?"

"She's a junior." I nodded before hesitating. "..Her name's Naomi."

Penelope wrote down her name while heavy discomfort settled in my stomach. "How did you know she liked you?"

"She told me."

"Did you know her before?"

"No." My fingers slid under the rips so I'd stop ripping them up. "I was in the library when she came up and told me."

"And what was your reaction?"

"I didn't know what to do. I guess I was nervous, I've never had a girlfriend so I wasn't sure what to do in that type of situation. I didn't know her either so I wasn't sure if she was serious."

"And was she? Serious, I mean."

"I don't know."

"That's okay." Penelope nodded. "Did you believe her?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "I probably looked stupid to her. Her friends were with her too, when she first came up to me. I didn't remember until.." I trailed off and Penelope nodded, able to fill in the gaps. "But they were laughing. I don't know why, I didn't do anything."

"What happened afterwards?"

"After she said she liked me?" Penelope nodded. "I don't think I answered her. She just asked me out on a date and I said yes."

"Did you want to go? Did you say yes out of pressure?"

"No." I shook my head and could feel my ears still pressed flat into my hair. "She was pretty and she smelled nice so I wanted to go."

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