Chapter 5 - The Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

Daphne's head was spinning, she was so confused about this new boy who had appeared in her life. One minute she's happily talking away to her friends Tracey and Blaise when an incredibly handsome boy knocks on the door and asks if he can join them. The boy clearly knew all the proper noble pureblood etiquette as he showed when Blaise introduced himself, Tracey and and her to him. When he placed a kiss on her hand she felt a warm rush go through her body. That was until Malfoy showed up, she was so sick of him by now. After only a couple of quick sentences between herself and Malfoy she was getting angry, but almost like the boy could sense how she felt he had stepped in and clearly said the right things as Malfoy was clearly getting angry. However, when Malfoy and his henchmen went for their wands he dealt with them amazingly. Banishing and disarming them before closing and locking the door all with non-verbal magic. She figured he must be a third year judging by his hight and build, but non-verbal magic was very advanced for even a third year. "That was very impressive, I didn't know third years could do non-verbal magic." Daphne said just after the boy sat in front of her.
The boy simply smiled and asked "What makes you think I'm a third year?"
"Well your hight, as well as the advanced magic you performed." She replied a little confused. Was he not a third year?
"While I appreciate the compliment Heiress Greengrass I am but a first year like yourselves." He replied with an amused smile at the looks he was getting from the others in the compartment.
"No way!" Blaise exclaimed in shock.
"I assure you I am." He replied calmly.
"May I enquire as to your name sir?" Daphne asked courteously.
The boy smiled once again, standing and bowing "Lord Hadrian of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Potter at your service, but you may call me Harry or Hadrian whichever you prefer."
Daphne, along with Tracey and Blaise had their jaws on the ground. Tracey was the first one to speak, "You're Harry Potter? Like the Harry Potter.".
"I am indeed miss Davis." Harry replied.
"Please call me Tracey" she said.
"And please call me Blaise." He chipped in.
"Thank you both." Harry replied politely.
Meanwhile Daphne was still sat there in shock until Tracey nudged her. "You still with us Daph?" She asked.
"Wha? Oh sorry" she started, earning a slight smirk from Tracey who had already figured out her friend had a crush. "It's nice to meet you Harry, please call me Daphne" she replied with a smile.
"Thank you Daphne, now I need to ask you all a favour, don't tell anyone I'm Harry Potter until we get to the sorting. Wouldn't want to ruin the big surprise, especially since I look nothing like how I'm described." Harry asked with a pleading look on his face.
"If you say so Harry, but then why did you tell us?" Daphne responded.
"Well when I found out that I was sitting with daughters of Slytherin parents I had a thought. You see, Ron Weasley has been going on about being Harry Potter's best friend since I met him, I told him a fake name. He's actually the reason I left my compartment and ended up here. But anyway, he made it very clear he despises Slytherins, personally I don't think the houses really matter that much. But both Lord Greengrass and Lord Davis are known Slytherins so I thought I'd use this opportunity to make some new friends and keep Weasley away." Harry finished with a sigh.
Tracey and Daphne had slightly perplexed looks on their faces while Blaise held an odd smile.
"I tell you what Harry, with cunning like that you may end up in Slytherin yourself." Blaise chortled. This earned a chuckle from the entire compartment.

The rest of the train journey was spent by Harry getting to know his new acquaintances, paying special attention to everything Daphne told him. "Great, you've left home for three hours and you already have a crush on someone." Came Ruby's voice from inside his head. Harry proceeded to tell Ruby to shut up while silently chuckling to himself. While he liked his new friends so far, he wasn't ready to trust them with the secret of Ruby right now. When there was about half an hour left until they reach Hogsmeade station, Susan turned up at the compartment. Harry got up and opened the door, "Hey Susan what's up?" He asked a little worried.
"Just came looking for you, after you didn't come back from the bathroom we got a little worried and we're not far away now so you should probably get dressed." She replied trying to calm him.
"Okay I'll come back and get my things. Sorry I disappeared by the way, I just couldn't listen to Ron any longer." Harry responded.
"I understand Harry don't worry." She said giving him a hug, "who are your new friends then?" She asked gesturing to the three people who were all watching the interaction.
"Right of course, Susan this is Heir Blaise Zabini, miss Tracey Davis and Heiress Daphne Greengrass." He said to Susan, "Guys this is my cousin and closest friend Heiress Susan Bones." Blaise kissed Susan's hand and Tracey and Daphne both shook it. After a quick chat, Harry and Susan decided to head back. "Well, I'll see you in about half an hour." Harry said with a smile shaking Blaise's hand and kissing the hand of Tracey and Daphne before exiting. As Harry was facing multiple questions after he returned to his original company, Tracey turned to Daphne midway through getting dressed as Blaise had left them to do so and asked "You like him don't you?" With a smug smile on her face.
"What the hell Tracey we're eleven, a bit early for that don't you think?". Daphne responded clearly agitated.
"Yeah I suppose, but you can't deny he's cute. Give it a couple years and yum." Tracey said trying to get a rise out of Daphne.
"Tracey please stop, but yeah you're absolutely right on this one." Daphne replied with a light giggle. Daphne then thought to herself he's going to look even more handsome in a couple years. I'm going to have trouble keeping away. Oh no.
Little did she know, but Harry was going through a very similar thought process about her, only with Ruby adding rude comments as well. It was going to be an interesting few years he thought with a sigh.

Chapters getting longer now we can have some interesting encounters. Sorting next time so that'll be fun, needless to say there will be a couple changes from the books.   Any feedback is always appreciated.

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